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Books for Further Education

Support for FE students, instructors and librarians

From counselling, psychotherapy and education to nursing, health and study skills, we publish a range of new and bestselling textbooks for further education students and professionals. 


How can we help you?

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Books for college libraries

Whether you're looking to place a print or digital order, or purchase package or a single title, we offer a range of purchase options to suit your needs and budget, including reduced-price digital packages via Browns VLE Books.

Explore our fe books

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Support students with free eBooks 

The following titles are freely available to UK FE colleges through the JISC eBooks programme, powered by ProQuest, until September 2026

Boost Your Employability by Felicity Becker 

Communication Skills in Nursing, Health and Social Care, 2nd edition by Bernard Moss 

Critical Thinking, 2nd edition by Tom Chatfield  

Critical Thinking and Writing in Nursing, 6th edition by Bob Price 

Diversity and Cultural Awareness in Nursing Practice, 2nd edition by Beverley Brathwaite

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice, 2nd edition by Neal Cook et al

Getting into Nursing, 3rd edition by Karen Elcock  

Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students by Annette Chowthi-Williams

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Get in touch

Reach out to our FE agent Simon Skinner to bring a cross-publisher, in-person display of relevant titles to your college, and free inspection copies to teaching staff. 

For any other queries, get in touch with Zoe Engert.

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Discount for college students

Did you know FE students get 30% off, plus free UK delivery, their print textbooks when buying from Sage? Just enter the code UK22STFEGE at checkout. Share this deal with students.


Other key books for further education