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Globalization and Politics

Globalization and Politics

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

April 2014 | 1 944 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The final set of the Central Currents in Globalization series starts off with two volumes that focus on the politics of globalization from ‘above’ and ‘below’. The first volume considers the idea of global political governance, including the impact of globalization on the nation-state and the role of multilateral regimes such as the United Nations. The second volume looks at globalizing political developments at ground level, including the notion of a ‘global civil society’ and the rise of the ‘anti-globalization’ movement. The final two volumes in the series review the various social theories and philosophies of globalization – including cosmopolitanism and human rights – along with the political critiques of globalization as homogenizing, marginalizing and/or exploitative force.

Volume One: Global Political Governance (with Nevzat Soguk, RMIT University, Australia)
Volume Two: Global Social Movements and Global Civil Society (with Paul van Seters, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands)
Volume Three: Social Theories of the Global (with James H. Mittelman, American University, Washington D.C.)
Volume Four: Political Philosophies of the Global 
edited by Paul James and Nevzat Soguk
Part One: Historical Developments: From Westphalia to the War Crimes Tribunals
Extract from The Rights of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and of Nations

Hugo Grotius
Sovereignty: An Introduction and Brief History

Daniel Philpott
‘The Constitutional Structure of International Society and the Nature of Fundamental Institutions’

Christian Reus-Smit
‘International Courts in the Postwar Period’

Manley O. Hudson
Part Two: Globalization, Global Governance, and the State
‘Globalization and the Myth of the Powerless State’

Linda Weiss
‘Paradoxes of the Competition State: The Dynamics of Political Globalisation’

Philip Cerny
‘The Challenge to the State in a Globalized World’

Christopher Clapham
‘The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation’

Martin Shaw
‘Governance in a Partially Globalized World’

Robert O. Keohane
Part Three: Global Regimes and Institutions
‘Law of States, Law of Peoples: Three Models of Sovereignty’

David Held
‘The United Nations and Globalization: Patterns and Limits of Institutional Adaptation’.

John Gerard Ruggie
‘The Political Economy of Global Environmental Governance’

Peter Newell
‘Governing through Global Networks: Knowledge Mobilities and Participatory Development’

Suzan Ilcan and Lynne Phillips
‘The G20 as an Improvised Crisis Committee and/or a Contested “Steering Committee” for the World’

Andrew F. Cooper
Part Four: Debating the Accountability of Global Governance
‘Problems of Democratizing Global Governance: Time, Space and the Emancipatory Process’

Heikki Patomäki
‘What Globalization Overshadows’

Safia Näsström
‘Globalization Rules: Accountability, Power and the Prospects for Global Administrative Law’

Simon Chesterman
‘Runway Globalization without Governance’

Nayan Chanda
Part Five: Critical Projections
‘Citizenship and Sovereignty in the Post-Westphalian State’

Andrew Linklater
‘State of Siege: Will Globalization Win Out?’

Richard Falk
‘Global Governance: How Could It Be Conceived?’

Dieter Senghaas
edited by Paul James and Paul van Seters
Part One: Historical Developments: The Rise of Global Spaces and Movements
‘World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organizations’

John Boli and George M. Thomas
‘Resisting “Globalisation-from-above” through “Globalisation-from-below”’

Richard Falk
‘Transnational Publics: New Spaces of Social Movement Activism and the Problem of Global Long-Sightedness’

Thomas Olesen
‘Resistance and Identity Politics in an Age of Globalization’

Deborah Yashar
Part Two: Globalizing Social Movements: Grassroots Globalization from Nationalism to Feminism
‘“Ethnicity is Everywhere”: On Globalization and the Transformation of Cultural Identity’

Helmuth Berking
‘Beyond the Third World: Imperial Globality, Global Coloniality and Anti-Globalisation Social Movements’

Arturo Escobar
‘Transnational Feminist Networks: Collective Action in an Era of Globalization’

Valentine Moghadam
‘Grassroots Movements as Transnational Actors: Implications for Global Civil Society’

Srilatha Batliwala
Part Three: Symbolized by Seattle: The Emergence of an Alter-Globalization Movement
‘Civilizing Globalization? The Implications of the “Battle in Seattle”’

Mary Kaldor
‘The World Social Forum and the Global Left’

Boaventura de Sousa Santos
‘Framing Collective Action against Neoliberalism: The Case of the “Anti-Globalization” Movement’

Jeffrey Ayres
Part Four: Social Movements and the World Wide Web
‘From Virtual Public Spheres to Global Justice: A Critical Theory of Internetworked Social Movements’

Lauren Langman
‘Communicating Global Activism: Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Networked Politics’

W. Lance Bennett
‘The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements’

Jeffrey Juris
Part Five: Debating the Possibilities of a Global Civil Society
‘The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks and Global Governance’

Manuel Castells
‘Civil Society and Democracy in Global Governance’

Jan Aart Scholte
‘The Dualities of Transnational Contention: “Two Activist Solitudes” or a New World Altogether?’

Sidney Tarrow
‘Global Civil Society: Royal Road or Slippery Path?’

Ronaldo Munck
Part Six: Critical Projections
‘Is an ‘Alternative Globalization Possible?’

Peter Evans
‘"Globalization’ as Collective Representation": The New Dream of a Cosmopolitan Civil Sphere’

Jeffrey Alexander
‘Building Global Civil Society “from Below”?’

David Chandler
edited by Paul James and James H. Mittelman
Part One: Historical Developments: Contextualizing the Global
An extract from The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx
‘The World Society as a Social System’

Niklas Luhmann
‘The Social Construction of Globality’

Jens Bartelson
‘An Archeology of the Global Era’

Armand Mattelart
Part Two: Analysis and Critiques: Theories of Globalization
‘Mapping the Global Condition’

Roland Robertson
‘The Dynamics of Globalization: Towards an Operational Formulation’

James Rosenau
‘Global Modernity? Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism’

Arif Dirlik
‘Gender, Capitalism and Globalization’

Joan Acker
‘Global Capitalism and the Critique of Real Time’

Wayne Hope
‘The Complexities of the Global’

John Urry
‘What is Wrong with Globalization? Contra “flow speak”—Towards and Existential Turn in the Theory of Globalization’

Heinz Bude and Jörg Durrschmidt
‘Arguing Globalizations: Propositions towards an Investigation of Global Formation’

Paul James
Part Three: Debating the Relationship between Globalization and the Nation-State
‘Has Globalization Ended the Rise and Rise of the Nation-State?’

Michael Mann
‘When National Territory is Home to the Global: Old Borders to Novel Borderings’

Saskia Sassen
‘The Myth of the Nation-State: Theorizing Society and Polities in a Global Era’

Sylvia Walby
‘Social Theory and Globalization: The Rise of the Transnational State’

William Robinson
‘Revisiting the Question of the Transnational State: A Comment on William Robinson’s “Social Theory and Globalization”’

Philip McMichael
Part Four: Critical Projections
‘Pressures for Continuity in the Context of Globalization’

Neil Smelser
‘Globalization Theory: A Post Mortem’

Justin Rosenberg
‘“Globalization Theory”: Yesterday’s Fad or More Lively than Ever?’

Mattias Albert
‘Globalization and the Research Imagination’

Arjun Appadurai
‘What is Critical Globalization Studies?’

James Mittelman
edited by Paul James
Part One: Historical Developments: Philosophical and Social Foundations
‘Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch’

Immanuel Kant
‘Kant and Stoic Cosmopolitanism’

Martha Nussbaum
Extracts from ‘The Age of the World Picture’, in The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays

Martin Heidegger
‘The Ontological Consequences of Copernicus: Global Being in a Planetary World

Neil Turnbull
Part Two: Global Relations and Ethics
What Does It Mean to Talk about the Global Consequences of Social Action? How Are Individuals, Communities, Peoples and Nations to Relate across a Global Space?

‘Famine, Affluence and Morality’

Peter Singer
‘Lifeboat Earth’

Onora Nell
‘Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment’

Charles Beitz
‘Cosmopolitanism: Moral and Political’

Fred Dallmayr
‘The Law of Peoples’

John Rawls
‘Achieving Global and Local Justice’

Michael Walzer
Part Three: Globalism, Universalism and Particularism
‘Globalization and the Need for Universal Ethics: The Problem in the Light of Discourse Ethics’

Karl-Otto Apel
‘From East to West: Emergent Global Philosophies—Beginnings of the End of Western Dominance’

Heikki Patomäki
‘Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice’

Thomas Pogge
‘Universal Human Rights: A Critique’

Chris Brown
Part Four: Debating Cosmopolitanism
What Are the Limits of Cosmopolitanism? Can There Be a New Be a New Form of Cosmopolitanism Shaped by Globalization? What Happens to Cosmopolitanism under Conditions of Globalization?

‘“Citizen of Nowhere” or “The Point Where Circles Intersect”? Impartialist and Embedded Cosmopolitanisms’

Toni Erskine
‘Cosmopolitan Patriots’

Kwame Anthony Appiah
‘The Class Consciousness of Frequent Travellers: Towards a Critique of Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism’

Craig Calhoun
‘The Truth of Others: A Cosmopolitan Approach’

Ulrich Beck
‘Global Equality, Human Rights and Power: A Critique of Ulrich Beck’s Cosmopolitanism’

Luke Martell
Part Five: Critical Projections
How Does Globalization Relate to Global Justice? How Can We Project Global Justice?

‘Global Civilizing Processes and the Ambiguity of Human Interconnectedness’

Andrew Linklater
‘Promoting Human Rights in the Era of Globalization and Interventions: The Changing Spaces of Struggle’

Micheline Ishay
‘Beyond a Post-Nationalist Imaginary: Grounding an Alternative Ethics’

Paul James

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ISBN: 9781412919555