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Great Teaching

Great Teaching
What Matters Most in Helping Students Succeed

May 2004 | 120 pages | Corwin
Robert C DiGiulio's new book reinforces the essential skills of teaching that lie outside the exclusively direct-instruction, skills-based methods. Though he does discuss the importance of skills-based methods, his true focus in this work is on the teaching behaviours that research has shown.

The book includes self-assessment checklist similar to those the author employed in his successful Positive Classroom Management, (Corwin Press 1999) which focus on timesaving by distilling a teacher's workload down to the critical, most effective approaches to classroom instruction. The book also employs an 8-step framework to define good teaching skills (Preparation, Attention, Clarity, Feedback, Monitoring, Questioning, Summarizing, and Reflection).

What This Book Is, and Is Not

A Word About Schools

And a Word About Teachers

Reviewer Acknowledgments
About the Author
1. Introduction: What Makes a Skillful, Caring Teacher?
Great Teaching is Still Great Teaching (And It's the Teaching that Matters Most!)

"But we hardly have the time!"

First Self Assessment: What Can be Tossed, What Must be Kept

The Complete Teacher: Knowledge and Skills and Qualities

Key Teacher Skills and Qualities

2. Key Teacher Skills: What Teachers Do
Key Teacher Skills, Prior to Teaching

Key Teacher Skills, While Teaching

Key Teacher Skills, After Teaching

Growing in Teaching: Key Teacher Skills Self-Assessment

3. Key Teacher Qualities: How Teachers Do It
Key Teacher Quality #1--Efficacy

Key Teacher Quality #2--Caring

Growing in Teaching: Key Teacher Qualities Self-Assessment

4. Summary and Conclusion: Beyond Great to Memorable
Summary of Skills and Qualities Checklists

Plans of Action

Follow-up Assessment


Guidelines for student success in academics and socialization: A school-wide qualitative assessment


Great Teaching offers a compass for teachers seeking direction, reorientation, and renewal. DiGiulio strips away the distractions and has put together an exceedingly readable, valuable, and affirming guide for preservice and classroom teachers to reflect upon their practice.

Alan Canestrari, Assistant Professor of Education
Roger Williams University

Finally . . . a forthright, down-to-earth look at what is really important in our schools and in our society: great teachers and great teaching!

Marilyn Page, Social Studies Education/Curriculum and Instruction
The Pennsylvania State University

Great Teaching is packed with tips that speak directly to the nitty gritty reality of classrooms, helping teachers to be skillful and thoughtful in creating conditions for the teaching-learning compact.

Susan Ohanian, Senior Fellow
Vermont Society for the Study of Education

Finally! Someone who acknowledges the vital skills that good teachers possess. We need this type of acknowledgment more often.

Diane Wolfe, Special Education Teacher Trainer
New York City Board of Education

Bravo! This is a true educator’s handbook. This book finally puts in print what is a quality teacher, providing quality education. This should be the Bible for every educator’s library!

Pricilla Fisk, Interim Acting Assistant Principal
I.S. 96--Seth Low Intermediate School, Brooklyn, NY

Amid the ‘high-stakes’ climate of public education today, DiGiulio’s gem of a book reminds us of far more important outcomes than politicized test scores. Plain and simple, the book resonates with common sense.

Gregg Humphrey, Director of Elementary Education
Middlebury College

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Introduction

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780761988328