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How to manage your time and workload

How to manage your time and workload

As a trainee teacher your workload will be quite unique because not only will you be wearing the hat of a student, you’ll also be wearing that of a teacher. Some of you might find this overwhelming. Whether it’s meeting assignment deadlines, staying on top of your course reading or being on school placements… there's a lot to juggle. Developing good time and workload management skills will go a long way during your teacher training. Lucky thing we have a few ideas for you

Arm yourself with good study skills

Study Hacks

The right study skills can go a long way in helping you not only manage your time but also help you get better marks in your assessments.

Whether it’s referencing right or developing your academic writing skills, take a look at our free Study Hacks ebook for tips and resources to make the most of your time in uni. 

Download free ebook


 Make your group work

Group work

During your training course, you will most likely find yourself working with a group of peers. This might turn in to a wonderfully enriching experience or a bit of a nightmare.

Being aware of group dynamics and the nature of team-building can be helpful. Watch this short animation on Tuckman’s group development theory so you can understand group dynamics better!




Manage your time during placements

When you are on placement you will need to manage your time both in school and outside it efficiently. You will want to make the most of your time in school to ensure that you learn as much as you possibly can. You will have certain amounts of teaching and certain tasks that you have to do. These might include observation and assessment tasks, perhaps a child study. Starting these early, even on visit days, is advisable because you will probably start with a lighter teaching timetable and gradually build this up during the placement. Training providers usually recommend that student teachers spend a percentage of the week undertaking professional development activities that are different from teaching their base class. Use the opportunities that are available in your school to maximise your development. You will also have some planning time during the school week. It may be that you spend this time with your class teacher or with a year group team.

Time management when you're on your placement

  • Organise your time and commitments at home in advance of the placement

  • Organise your employment

  • Plan your time in school to make the most of opportunities

  • Eat properly

  • Get enough sleep

  • Prepare some plans in advance and ask for feedback

*The above advice on time management are edited extracts from Succeeding on Your Primary PGCE

Get referencing right

Tip 1: A bibliography is an alphabetical list of all the books you have read relating to the topic even if you have not cited them within the work. Some institutions only require references to be provided for those texts you have used to inform your work and you have cited within your work.

Tip 2: If you are directly quoting the work of others then this should be identified by using quotation marks and providing the author’s name, date and the page reference.

Tip 3: There will be times when you might want to use a larger section of others’ work, perhaps if you are then going to critique it or argue with it from another position. In this case the work should still be referenced with the author, date and page reference, as well as by separating the work from the text.

Tip 4: If you are using a reference from another publication and not the original source then this should be identified by using the terms ‘cited by’, and this is particularly important when writing about learning theory where you may be using a text that examines the writing of Brunner, Piaget or Vygotsky and you have not returned to the original sources.

Tip 5: Avoid cherry picking, even if the quote you want would be more effective when changed to suit your purposes.

*The above tips on referencing are edited extracts from Succeeding on Your Primary PGCE