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In Search of Better Angels

In Search of Better Angels
Stories of Disability in the Human Family

June 2003 | 160 pages | Corwin
`We must first understand others before we can care about them and we must care about them before we can love them. In this book, J David Smith takes us on a fascinating journey from understanding to caring to love'- Leonard O Pellicer, Dean, University of La Verne, La Verne, California

In his book, In Search of Better Angels: Stories of Disability in the Human Family, author J David Smith appeals to the "better angels" of our character in a unique style of writing uncommon in literature for educational practitioners. The book seeks understanding for children with disabilities and the creation of a society that celebrates human diversity through a collection of stories. In Search of Better Angels discusses the challenges and possibilities for an inclusive educational system that accepts and welcomes students with disabilities. The stories presented throughout the book journey through the historical and scientific theories that shaped society's perception of people with disabilities. They include narratives of personal change and realizations, evaluations of trends in teaching and education for students with disabilities, and lessons we can learn as a society from people with disabilities and the qualities they possess


Introduction: Power and Epiphany - Reflections on the Personal and Cultural Value of Disabilities
Part I: My Own Journey
1. Disability and Revelation: Lessons Learned and Flying Squirrels
2. Learning to Love, Loving to Learn: Mike and the Clown Faces
3. Inclusion, Exclusion, and Other Matters of the Heart: The Story of Nan
4. Disabling Prejudice: Aunt Celie and the Marble Cake
5. Lessons in Patois: Learning to Be a Jamaican
6. A Father's Proud Moment: The Day My Daughter Became a Gifted Samaritan
7. Recapturing the Spirit of Caring: Uncle, Brownie, and Sausage Biscuits
Part I: Questions to Ponder
Part II: Disability, Science, and Pseudoscience
8. Eugenics, Old and New: Mensa and the Human Genome Project
The Tragedy of Involuntary Sterilization Eugenics

Eugenics: A Continuing Legacy

The Human Genome Project and Mental Retardation

Mental Retardation, "Felt Necessities," and Ethics

9. Euguenics Revisited: Buck Versus Bell and The Bell Curve
10. Old Texts, Disabilities, and the Persistent Argument: For Whom the Bell Curves
11. Different Voices of Advocacy: Helen Keller and Burton Blatt
Helen Keller: A Magnificent Exception

Helen Keller and the Parameters of Advocacy

Burton Blatt's Advocacy: The Golden Rule and Beyond

Legacies and Challenges

12. A Place or No Place for Disabilities: Disney's Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Eugenics, and Visions of Utopian Perfection
Tarzan and the Triumph of Heredity

Burroughs on Genetic Predetermination

Burroughs on Breeding for Utopia

Utopia and Disabilities

13. The Polio Vaccine Research and Children With Disabilities: Sacrifices for the Miracle
Personal Reflections on Polio

The Salk Vaccine and "Institutionalized" Research

Feeding Live Polio Virus to Children With Disabilites

Research and Disabilities: Other Cases

Claiming a Place of Value for People With Disabilities: The Continuing Struggle

Part II: Questions to Ponder
Part III: Disability in Historical and Literary Perspectives
14. Disability and the Need for Romantic Science: Darwin's Last Child
15. Words of Understanding, Concepts of Inclusiveness: The Wisdom of Margaret Mead
16. The Question of Differential Advocacy: Laura Bridgman
Constructing the Disability of Mental Retardation

Disability and Invisibility

Laura Bridgman: The First Miracle

17. Disabilities and the Challenges of Equality: Looking Backward, Looking Forward
Looking Backward

Looking Forward

18. Diversity and Disability: Individuality and Mental Retardation
A Memory From Ignacy Goldberg

Jack London's "Told in the Drooling Ward"

The Typology of Mental Retardation

Mental Retardation: Redefining or Disaggregating?

Part III: Questions to Ponder
Epilogue: Finding a Voice - The Story of Bill

"We must first understand others before we can care about them and we must care about them before we can love them. In this book, J. David Smith takes us on a fascinating journey from understanding to caring to love."


Long version:

"This is not just a book about special education or people with disabilities, this is a book about humanity and what it means to be human!

J. David Smith carries on in the best tradition of the great Southern storytellers. He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, but most importantly, he will make you think!

There are insights in this wonderful book that, if taken to heart, can make us all "better angels!"

We must first understand others before we can care about them and we must care about them before we can love them. In this book, J. David Smith takes us on a fascinating journey from understanding to caring to love."

Leonard O. Pellicer, Dean
University of La Verne

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Disability and Revelation

For instructors

Please contact your Academic Consultant to check inspection copy availability for your course.

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ISBN: 9780761938415
ISBN: 9780761938408