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Journal of Early Childhood Literacy

Journal of Early Childhood Literacy

eISSN: 17412919 | ISSN: 14687984 | Current volume: 24 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Journal of Early Childhood Literacy is a fully peer-reviewed international journal. Since its foundation in 2001 JECL has rapidly become a distinctive, leading voice in research in early childhood literacy, with a multinational range of contributors and readership. The main emphasis in the journal is on papers researching issues related to the nature, function and use of literacy in early childhood. This includes the history, development, use, learning and teaching of literacy, as well as policy and strategy. Research papers may address theoretical, methodological, strategic or applied aspects of early childhood literacy and could be reviews of research issues. JECL is both a forum for debate about the topic of early childhood literacy and a resource for those working in the field. Literacy is broadly defined; JECL focuses on the 0-8 age range.

Our prime interest in empirical work is those studies that are situated in authentic or naturalistic settings; this differentiates the journal from others in the area. JECL, therefore, tends to favour qualitative work but is also open to research employing quantitative methods. The journal is multi-disciplinary. We welcome submissions from diverse disciplinary backgrounds including: education, psychology, literacy studies, sociology, anthropology, historical and cultural studies, applied linguistics and semiotics.

"This journal is unique in the field of early childhood literacy. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, it steps beyond the pragmatic interests of present educational policy to consider the wider issues of tomorrow's world." Eve Gregory

" …pushing the boundaries and blends of 'literacy' and 'early childhood' in startling, generative directions." Allan Luke

"Literacy is changing, as is our understanding of young children's learning capacity and what it is they have to learn. At such a time of change it is particularly important to have a forum that is focused on young children's encounters with literacy in all its manifestations." Henrietta Dombey

All issues of the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy are available to browse online.

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Journal of Early Childhood Literacy is a fully peer-reviewed international journal. Since its foundation in 2001 JECL has rapidly become a distinctive, leading voice in research in early childhood literacy, with a multinational range of contributors and readership. The main emphasis in the journal is on papers researching issues related to the nature, function and use of literacy in early childhood. This includes the history, development, use, learning and teaching of literacy, as well as policy and strategy. Research papers may address theoretical, methodological, strategic or applied aspects of early childhood literacy and could be reviews of research issues. JECL is both a forum for debate about the topic of early childhood literacy and a resource for those working in the field. Literacy is broadly defined; JECL focuses on the 0-8 age range.

Our prime interest in empirical work is those studies that are situated in authentic or naturalistic settings; this differentiates the journal from others in the area. JECL, therefore, tends to favour qualitative work but is also open to research employing quantitative methods. The journal is multi-disciplinary. We welcome submissions from diverse disciplinary backgrounds including: education, cultural psychology, literacy studies, sociology, anthropology, historical and cultural studies, applied linguistics and semiotics.

Karen Daniels Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Julia Gillen Lancaster University, UK
Lisa Kervin University of Wollongong, Australia
Fiona Scott The University of Sheffield, UK
Deborah Wells Rowe Vanderbilt University, USA
Founding Editors
Ann C Browne University of East Anglia, UK
Anne Haas Dyson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Nigel Hall Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Jackie Marsh University of Sheffield, UK
Guy Merchant Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Book Review Editors
Angela Colvert University of Sheffield, UK
Stavroula Kontovourki University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Amanda Niland University of Sydney, Australia
Editorial Board
Jim Anderson University of British Columbia, Canada
Linda Baker University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Diane Barone University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Rebecca Black University of California, USA
Carole Bloch University of Capetown, Rondebosch, South Africa
Gloria Boutte University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA
Eliza Braden University of South Carolina, USA
Cassie Brownell University of Toronto, Canada
Xia Chao Duquesne University, USA
Diane R.Collier Brock University, Canada
Catherine Compton-Lilly University of South Carolina, USA
Susan Danby Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove, Australia
Karen Daniels Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Emilia Djonov Macquarie University, Australia
Henrietta Dombey University of Brighton, UK
Anne Haas Dyson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Marjorie Faulstich Orellana University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Rosie Flewitt Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Maria Paula Ghiso Columbia University, USA
Yetta Goodman University of Arizona, USA
Eve Gregory Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Abi  Hackett Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Violet J Harris University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dawnene D. Hassett University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Margie Kahukura Hohepa University of Waikato, New Zealand
Kim H. Koh University of Calgary, Canada
Candace Kuby University of Missouri, UK
Natalia Kucirkova University of Stavanger, Norway
Linda D Labbo University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Joanne Larson University of Rochester, New York, USA
Kim Lenters University of Calgary, Canada
Tisha Lewis Ellison University of Georgia, USA
Iva Son Li Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Susi Long University of South Carolina, USA
Jessica Mantei University of Wollongong, Australia
Mitsuko Matsumoto Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain
Michelle Neumann Griffith University, Australia
Kate Pahl Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Mastin Prinsloo University of Cape Town, South Africa
Flora V Rodriguez-Brown University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Kathleen A Roskos John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH
Jennifer Rowsell University of Sheffield, UK
Alyson Simpson University of Sydney, Australia
Jan Turbill University of Wollongong, Australia
Vivian Vasquez  
Dinah Volk Cleveland State University, USA
Christopher J. Wagner City University of New York, USA
Jon Wargo Boston College, USA
Karen Wohlwend Indiana University - Bloomington, USA
Sophia Wu National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Kamania Wynter-Hoyte University of South Carolina, USA
Haeny Yoon Columbia University, USA
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  • e-Psyche
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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