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Journal of Education

Journal of Education

Published in Association with School of Education Boston University
Official Journal of the Trustees of Boston University

eISSN: 25155741 | ISSN: 00220574 | Current volume: 205 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly
Welcome to the Journal of Education. As the oldest educational publication in the country, the Journal has served many purposes in its long history. Our current mission is to disseminate knowledge that informs practice in PK-12 and higher education. The Journal publishes original peer-reviewed manuscripts in three issues each calendar year. The Journal prioritizes innovative, relevant, and multidisciplinary research that reflects BU Wheelock’s guide star: “transforming the systems that impact learning and human development for a thriving, sustainable, and just future.” Every article describes implications for practice.

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The mission of the Journal of Education is to disseminate knowledge that informs practice in PK-12 and higher education. We hope to expedite the integration of research, theory, and practice in education. Researchers, scholars, educators, and advanced doctoral students are invited to submit manuscripts that inform the education of PreK-12 learners or pre-service and in-service teachers and other professionals in the field. The Journal prioritizes publication of manuscripts related to PreK-12 education and manuscripts that focus on equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Consistent with the Journal's mission, every manuscript accepted for review must include a discussion of implications for practice.

Zachary Rossetti Boston University, USA
Associate Editor
Karyn Allee Mercer University, USA
Kathleen J. Stoehr Santa Clara University, USA
Editorial Board Members
Donna Alvermann University of Georgia, USA
Bob Bain University of Michigan, USA
Jennifer M. Bateman University of Georgia, USA
Janine Bempechat Boston University, USA
Andrea Bien Boston University, USA
Ashley J. Carey Sacred Heart University, USA
Niki (Nicoletta) Christodoulou Frederick University, Cyprus
Hardin L. K. Coleman Boston University, USA
Kyle DeMeo Cook Boston University, USA
Samuel Cook Boston University, USA
Jamie Day University of Missouri, USA
Veronica M. De La Cruz University of Virginia, USA
Tina Durand Boston University, USA
Elena Forzani Boston University, USA
Lauren Funk Boston University, USA
Amanda V. Garner University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Lindsay M. Griendling Appalachian State University, USA
Elizabeth Grobart University of Wisconsin Parkside, USA
Amanda S. Haber Fairfield University, USA
Kimberly Howard Boston University, USA
Annemarie B. Kaczmarczyk Mercer University, USA
Heather A. Killen University at Buffalo, USA
Katelyn Kurkul Merrimack College, USA
Kathryn Leech University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Weng M. Lim Swinburne University, Australia
Darla Linville Augusta University, USA
Hilary A. Lustick University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Chu Ly Framingham State University, USA
Rob Martinelle Boston University, USA
Matthew S. McCluskey University of Vermont, USA
Christine Montecillo Leider University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Erin Nerlino Clark University, USA
Ezinne D. Ofoegbu Santa Clara University, USA
Nurten Karacan Ozdemir Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Türkiye
Chong Park Boston University, USA
Soyoung Park University of Central Florida, USA
David Peyton University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA
Lianna Pizzo University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Meghan Riling Vanderbilt University, USA
Catherine Ritz Boston University, USA
Carl Ruest The University of British Columbia, Canada
Éve Ryan University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Alejandra Salinas Boston University, USA
Ofelia Castro Schepers Purdue University, USA
Rachel Skrlac Lo Villanova University, USA
Anna Skubel EdTrust, USA
Madora Soutter Villanova University, USA
Kristabel Stark University of Vermont, USA
Xintian Tu University at Buffalo, USA
Lauren Wagner University of North Alabama, USA
Alessandra E. Ward Wheaton College, USA
Kevin M. Wong Pepperdine University, USA
Paul Yovanoff Southern Methodist University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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