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Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

eISSN: 15384799 | ISSN: 10634266 | Current volume: 32 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Offers interdisciplinary research, practice, and commentary related to individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Each issue explores critical and diverse topics such as youth violence, functional assessment, school-wide discipline, mental health services, positive behavior supports, and educational strategies.

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

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The Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders publishes quality scholarship related to individuals with emotional and behavioral disorders. Articles represent a wide range of disciplines, including counseling, education, early childhood care, juvenile corrections, mental health, psychiatry, psychology, public health, rehabilitation, social work, and special education. Articles on characteristics, assessment, prevention, intervention, treatment, legal or policy issues, and evaluation are welcome.

Elizabeth M. Z. Farmer University of Pittsburgh, USA
Thomas W. Farmer Virginia Commonwealth University
Founding Editors
Douglas Cullinan North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Epstein University of Nebraska, USA
Associate Editor
Debbie S. Brooks Pennsylvania State University – University Park, USA
Consulting Editors
Quentin R. Alexander Longwood University, USA
Mary Armstrong University of South Florida, USA
Alfredo Artiles Stanford University, USA
Marc Atkins University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Kimberly A. Bender University of Denver, USA
Gregory Benner University of Washington, Tacoma, USA
Karen L. Bierman Pennsylvania State University, USA
Craig Blum Illinois State University
Roger Boothroyd University of South Florida, USA
M. Renee Bradley U.S. Office of Special Education Programs, USA
Ana Brannan Indiana University, USA
Frederick Brigham George Mason University, USA
Eric Bruns University of Washington, USA
Rebecca J. Bulotsky-Shearer University of Miami, USA
Barbara Burns Duke University Medical Center, USA
Elise Capella New York University, USA
Chin-Chih Chen Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Maureen Conroy University of Florida, USA
William Copeland Duke University, USA
Phillippe B. Cunningham Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Maryann Davis University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Norin Dollard University of South Florida, USA
Shannon Dorsey University of Washington, USA
Mary Evans London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK
Robert Friedman University of South Florida, USA
Barbara Friesen Portland State University, USA
Michael Furlong University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Nicholas A. Gage University of Florida, USA
Joseph Calvin Gagnon Florida Atlantic University, USA
Kathleen Gallagher University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, USA
Ann F. Garland University of San Diego, USA
Justin D. Garwood University of Vermont, USA
Lisa Gatzke-Kopp Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jennifer G. Green Boston University, USA
Cristin M. Hall Pennsylvania State University, USA
Blake D. Hansen Brigham Young University, USA
Theresa M. Hoover Wilson College, USA
Robert H. Horner University of Oregon, USA
Heartley B. Huber College of William and Mary, USA
Kristin Duppong Hurley University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Matthew J. Irvin Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Sigrid James University of Kassel, Germany
Kristine Jolivette University of Alabama, USA
Antonis Katsiyannis Clemson University, USA
Michael P. Krezmien University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA
Timothy J. Landrum University of Louisville, USA
Kathleen Lynne Lane University of Kansas, USA
Joshua M. Langberg Rutgers University, USA
Bethany R. Lee University of Maryland, USA
David Lee Pennsylvania State University, USA
Peter Leone University of Maryland, USA
Timothy J. Lewis University of Missouri, USA
John Maag University of Nebraska, USA
Rebecca Madill Child Trends, USA
Daniel M. Maggin University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
David Mandell University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Michelle Marchant-Wood University of Minnesota USA
Sara McDaniel University of Alabama, USA
Mary McKernan McKay Washington University, St. Louis, USA
Bryce D. McLeod Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Kevin Moore Eugene, Oregon
Christopher Murray University of Oregon, USA
J. Ron Nelson University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Lori Newcomer University of Missouri, USA
Robert L. Nix University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Kate Norwalk North Carolina State University, USA
Trina Osher Huff Osher Consulting, USA
Kevin Quinn University of Albany, USA
Wendy M. Reinke University of Missouri, USA
Heather Ringeisen RTI International
Jacqueline Rodriguez American Assocation of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), USA
Laron Scott University of Virginia, USA
James Shriner University of Illinois, USA
Brandi Simonsen University of Conneticut, USA
Russell Skiba Indiana University, USA
Stephen W. Smith University of Florida, USA
Scott Stage North Carolina State University, USA
Terri N. Sullivan Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Kevin Sutherland Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Raol J. Taft University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
Elizabeth Talbott College of William and Mary, USA
Ronald W. Thompson Boys Town National Research Institute for Child and Family Studies, USA
Alexandra Trout University of Nebraska, USA
Richard Van Acker University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
Brooks R. Vostal Bowling Green State University, USA
Hill Walker University of Oregon, USA
Margaret Perone Weiss George Mason University, USA
Janet A. Welsh Pennsylvania State University, USA
Michelle Woodbridge SRI International, USA
Hongling Xie Temple University, USA
Bonnie T. Zima University of California, Los Angeles, USA
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  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Contents Pages in Education (T&F)
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Gale: Expanded Academic ASAP
  • IBR (International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • NISC
  • PsycINFO
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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