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Albert R. Roberts Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA

D.S.W. from U. of Maryland. Chairman of Administration of Justice Department. Author or co-author of ten books, many in second or third editions, among them: Moraskin/Roberts: Visions for Change: Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century 2ND (PH, 1998, 444 pp. $55.00), Roberts: Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research 2/e (O.U.P., 2000), Roberts ed. Juvenile Justice: Policies, Programs, and Services 2/e (Wadsworth, 1998, 300 pp. $45.95) He has also published two other books with Sage:

  • Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Cognitive Treatment - pub’d.1/95, sales to date of 2,585/$61,662 (2,290 paper/$50,497)
  • Helping Crime Victims: Research, Policy and Practice – pub’d 6/90, sales to date of 3,031/$57,325 (2,425 paper/$40,943)