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Cultural Sociology

Cultural Sociology

Published in Association with British Sociological Association

eISSN: 17499763 | ISSN: 17499755 | Current volume: 18 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Cultural Sociology is an official journal of the British Sociological Association. It is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles concerning the sociological analysis of culture.

"With the launch of Cultural Sociology, the renewal of sociological interest in culture will finally find a central and global forum. I am convinced that Cultural Sociology will rapidly attract the best work within cultural sociology/sociology of culture, and establish itself quickly as the leading journal within the field" Prof. Rudi Laermans, Centre for Sociology of Culture, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Cultural Sociology is the first journal explicitly to be dedicated to the sociological comprehension of cultural matters. Now firmly established, it acts as a key meeting point for sociological analysts of culture coming from a wide range of theoretical and methodological positions, and from a great variety of national contexts. It is a locale where different analytical traditions in cultural sociology and the sociology of culture can engage with and learn from each other.

Topic coverage includes:

  • Cultural sociology and sociology of culture
  • Paradigms of sociological analysis of culture
  • Relations between cultural sociology, cultural studies and other disciplines
  • Methodologies of cultural analysis
  • Sociology of cultural production, distribution and consumption
  • Contemporary cultural forces and trends
  • Cultural creativity and innovation
  • Cultural reproduction
  • Sociology of historical cultures
  • Sociology of art and aesthetics
  • Visual, oral and aural cultures
  • Sociology of cultural forms and cultural media
  • Sociology of performance
  • 'Race', ethnicity and culture
  • Class and culture
  • Gendered cultures
  • 'High cultures' and 'low cultures'
  • Everyday cultures
  • Culture, globalization and globality
  • Local, regional, national, international and transnational cultures
  • Culture and the life-course
  • Tastes and lifestyles
  • Cultural power and resistance
  • Teaching cultural sociology
  • Cultural sociology of 'nature' and the 'environment'
  • Cultural sociology of sustainability
  • Cultural sociology of health and medicine

Electronic Access:

All issues of Cultural Sociology are available to browse online

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

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Cultural Sociology publishes empirically oriented, theoretically sophisticated, methodologically rigorous papers, which explore from a broad set of sociological perspectives a diverse range of socio-cultural forces, phenomena, institutions and contexts.

The objective of Cultural Sociology is to publish original articles which advance the field of cultural sociology and the sociology of culture. The journal seeks to consolidate, develop and promote the arena of sociological understandings of culture, and is intended to be pivotal in defining both what this arena is like currently and what it could become in the future.

Cultural Sociology will publish innovative, sociologically-informed work concerned with cultural processes and artefacts, broadly defined. Papers dealing with empirically-existing cultural phenomena, analysed and researched in theoretically and methodologically sophisticated ways, are particularly encouraged. Papers that concentrate on more 'empirical', or more 'methodological', or more 'theoretical' issues in cultural sociology and the sociology of culture, are also welcomed.

The journal aims to facilitate fruitful dialogue and cooperation between scholars from different national contexts and between those working within different analytic and methodological paradigms. Although focussed on sociological contributions to cultural analysis, the journal will also encourage discussions between sociologists and others working in cognate fields such as cultural studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, art history, history, literary and film studies, human geography and so on.

The journal is keen to encourage submissions from both established and emerging scholars. Book reviews will allow readers of the journal to keep abreast of important new contributions to the area.

Nadya Jaworsky Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Ming-Cheng Lo University of California, Davis, USA
Marcus Morgan University of Bristol, UK
Christopher M. Thorpe University of Exeter, UK
Rin Ushiyama Queen's University Belfast, UK
American Editor
Lyn Spillman University of Notre Dame, USA
Book Review Editor
Laura Harris University of Southampton, UK
Advisory Editor
David Inglis Helsinki University, Finland
Publications Coordinator
Selina Hisir British Sociological Association, UK
Editorial Board
Zeina Al Azmeh University of Cambridge, UK
Vibha Arora Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Anson Au The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Patricia A. Banks Mount Holyoke College, USA
Elisabeth Becker Topkara Heidelberg University, Germany
David Beer University of York, UK
Emma Casey University of York, UK
Laura Clancy Lancaster University, UK
Isabelle Darmon The University of Edinburgh, UK
Henrik Fürst Stockholm University, Sweden
Alessandro Gandini University of Milan, Italy
Luisa Gandolfo University of Aberdeen, UK
Alessandro Gerosa University of Milan, Italy
Sadia Habib University of Manchester, UK
Morteza Hashemi University of Nottingham, UK
Riie Heikkila Tampere University, Finland
Marcos Gonzalez Hernando Universidad Diego Potales, Chile
Mervyn Horgan University of Guelph, Canada
Benjamin Jacobsen University of York, UK
Emmaleena Käkelä University of Strathclyde, UK
Ali Kassem National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kobe De Keere University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Svetlana Kharchenkova Leiden University, Netherlands
Kristina Kolbe University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kelvin E. Y. Low National University of Singapore, Singapore
Siobhan McAndrew University of Sheffield, UK
Terence McDonnell University of Notre Dame, USA
Christian Morgner University of Sheffield, UK
Kate Nash London School of Economics, UK
Stephen Ostertag Tulane University, USA
Semi Purhonen Tampere University, Finland
Matthias Revers University of Leeds, UK
Kusha Sefat University of Tehran, Iran
Tomás Undurraga Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile
Jan Vana Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Simone Varriale University of Lincoln, UK
Dirk vom Lehn King’s College London, UK
Galen Watts University of Waterloo, Canada
International Advisory Board
Jeffrey C. Alexander Yale University, USA
Ates Altinordu Sabanci University, Turkey
Guy Bellavance Université du Québec, Canada
Andy Bennett Griffith University, Australia
Tony Bennett Western Sydney University, Australia
Michael Billig Loughborough University, UK
Bethany Bryson James Madison University, USA
Karen Cerulo Rutgers University
Daniel Dayan Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Tia DeNora Exeter University, UK
Ron Eyerman University of Lund, Sweden
Gary Alan Fine Northwestern University
Roger Friedland University of California, USA
Josh Gamson Unviersity of San Fransisco, USA
Wendy Griswold Northwestern University, USA
Alois Hahn University of Trier, Germany
Antoine Hennion Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, Paris, France
John Ewing Hughson University of Central Lancashire, UK
Paul K. Jones The Australian National University, Australia
Michèle Lamont Harvard University, USA
Jan Marontate Simon Fraser University, Canada
Graziella Moraes Silva Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland
Chandra Mukerji University of California, San Diego, USA
Diane Reay University of Cambridge, UK
Mimi Sheller Drexel University, USA
Nick Stevenson University of Nottingham, UK
Helen Thomas University of the Arts, London, UK
Anna Lisa Tota University of Rome III, Italy
Matthias Varul Independent Scholar, UK
Alan Warde Manchester University, UK
Nancy Weiss Hanrahan George Mason University, USA
Helena Wulff Stockholm University, Sweden
Shunya Yoshimi University of Tokyo, Japan
Barbie Zelizer University of Pennsylvania, USA
Viviana Zelizer Princeton University, USA
Eviatar Zerubavel Rutgers University, USA
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