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Global, Local, Political

eISSN: 21633150 | ISSN: 03043754 | Current volume: 49 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly
A peer-reviewed journal, Alternatives explores the possibilities of new forms of political practice and identity under increasingly global conditions. Specifically, the editors focus on the changing relationships between local political practices and identities and emerging forms of global economy, culture and policy.

Alternatives was established in 1975 by scholars who were concerned with the more obvious dangers of Cold War but also with the need for less imperious and more sustainable forms of development. In both contexts, it focused on the implications of what was then just coming to be called globalization, and published many prescient analyses that now pass as conventional wisdom. It has long sought to promote a wide range of critical, normative and interdisciplinary approaches to political, social, cultural and ecological developments, and to encourage more creative and imaginative ways of thinking and acting in a rapidly transforming world. It has especially tried to encourage more sophisticated theoretical engagements with processes that seem to be reshaping relations between global and local, or universality and particularity, in ways that challenge prevailing assumptions about political life within and between states. To this end, we encourage submission of articles that engage contemporary political problems in a way that speaks to the circumstances of people living in many different parts of the world while maintaining theoretical rigour, empirical precision and a culturally sensitive imagination.

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Alternatives is committed to publishing peer-reviewed articles that cover the entire field of political science and international relations. Areas covered include foreign policies, security policies, political theory, comparative politics, environmental politics, peace studies, conflict resolution, globalization and terrorism. Alternatives also aims to cover articles which explore the possibilities of new forms of political practice and identity under increasingly global conditions.

Lacin Idil Oztig Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Associate Editor
Umut Can Adisonmez Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Social Media Editor
Kate Sullivan de Estrada University of Oxford, UK
Editorial Board
Amitav Acharya American University, USA
Umut Can Adisonmez Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Bülent Aras Sabanci University, Turkey
Boaz Atzili American University, USA
Samuel Barkin University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Daniel Beck Magdeburg University, Germany
Navnita Chadha Behera University of Delhi, India
Roland Bleiker The University of Queensland, Australia
Carlos Morreo Boada Australian National University, Australia
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly University of Victoria, Canada
Marwan Darweish Coventry University
Alistair Edgar Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
Francis Onditi Riara University, Kenya
Elizaveta Gaufman University of Bremen, Germany
Henk van Houtum Radbound University, Netherlands
Aliaksei Kazharski Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Åshild Kolås Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway
Devendraraj Madhanagopal XIM University, India
Ziya Önis Koc University, Turkey
Emel Parlar Dal Marmara University, Turkey
Thomas Risse Freie Universitat Berlin
Jokubas Salyga The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Ameya Singh University of Oxford, UK
Carlos Solar Essex University, UK
Alexander Spencer Magdeburg University, Germany
Philip Steinberg Durham University, UK
Lisa Strombom Lund University, Sweden
Kate Sullivan de Estrada University of Oxford, UK
Dhananjay Tripathi South Asian University, India
Nick Vaughan-Williams University of Warwick, UK
Ritu Vij University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Carmen Wunderlich University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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