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Wayne A. Woodward Southern Methodist University, USA

Wayne A. Woodward, Ph.D., is a Professor of Statistics and chair of the Department of Statistical Science at Southern Methodist University. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and was the 2004 recipient of the Don Owen award for excellence in research, statistical consulting, and service to the statistical community. In 2007 he received the Outstanding Presentation Award given by the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences at the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 2003 he was named a Southern Methodist University Distinguished Teaching Professor by the university’s Center for Teaching Excellence, and he received the 2006-2007 Scholar/Teacher of the Year Award at SMU, an award given by the United Methodist Church. . Over the last 35 years he has served as statistical consultant to a wide variety of clients in the scientific community and has taught statistics courses ranging from introductory undergraduate statistics courses to graduate courses within the Ph.D. program in Statistics at Southern Methodist University. He has been funded on numerous research grants and contracts from government and industry to study such issues as global warming and nuclear monitoring.  He has authored or coauthored over 70 scientific papers and four books.