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Journal of Police Emergency Response

Journal of Police Emergency Response

An International Journal of Hostage Negotiations and Crisis Intervention

ISSN: 000000
The Journal of Police Emergency Rights is no longer accepting submissions under the sub-journal heading. Please consider submitting your research to SAGE Open for publication in the wider table of contents. 

This SAGE Open Journal of Police Emergency Response: An International Journal of Hostage Negotiations and Crisis Intervention will entertain the submission of any solid research or practical methodology that would speak to the needs of those in the police service and corrections who respond to critical emergencies such as, but not limited to, hostage, crisis and other high risk situations. The journal is an outlet for scholars, psychologists, sociologists, criminologists, social scientists, police officers, corrections officers, emergency mangers, students, military personnel and others publishing on topics which include but are not limited to: 

Hostage negotiation; Crisis Intervention Teams; Homeland Security; Cyber-terrorism; emergency management and natural disasters; Low Intensity conflict and hostage rescue; Drones; Terrorism; Extremist groups and gangs; Swat teams; Correctional mental health and security. The best approach for increased submissions would be to encourage articles where an academic pairs with a police officer to write an academic article. The journal will also encourage case studies and book reviews, and will endeavor to be inclusive rather than exclusive in our editorial manuscript selection process. 

About SAGE Open:

SAGE Open is an open access publication from SAGE. It publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.SAGE Open seeks to be the world’s premier open access outlet for academic research. As such, unlike traditional journals, SAGE Open does not limit content due to page budgets or thematic significance. Rather, SAGE Open evaluates the scientific and research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research. This approach allows readers greater access and gives them the power to determine the significance of each article through SAGE Open’s interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, SAGE Open facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.

Why publish in SAGE Open: 

  • Global distribution of your research via the award-winning SAGE Journals online platform, including enhanced online features such as: public usage metrics, comments features, subject categories, and article ranking and recommendations. 
  • Professional copyediting and typesetting of your article will ensure quality 
  • Continuous-publication online format

The article processing charge (APC) of $1200 USD is payable when a manuscript is accepted after peer review, before it is published. The APC is subject to taxes where applicable. Please see further details here.

Who should submit manuscripts to SAGE Open? 

  • Authors who want their articles to receive free, broad, and global distribution on a powerful, highly discoverable publishing platform 
  • Authors who want their articles branded and marketed by a world-leading social science publisher 
  • Authors who want or need their articles to be open access because of university or government mandates 
  • Authors who want their articles to receive quality reviews and efficient production

Manuscript submissions will be handled online through SAGE Track, SAGE’s web-based peer review and submission system, powered by ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM.

Visit for full manuscript submission guidelines. When submitting, please indicate that your manuscript is for the Journal of Police Emergency Response by selecting it as a manuscript type.

Journal of Police Emergency Response is no longer accepting submissions under the sub-journal heading. Please consider submitting your research to SAGE Open for publication in the wider table of contents.

This Journal of Police Emergency Response: An International Journal of Hostage Negotiations and Crisis Intervention will entertain the submission of any solid research or practical methodology that would speak to the needs of those in the police service and corrections who respond to critical emergencies such as, but not limited to, hostage, crisis and other high risk situations. The journal is an outlet for scholars, psychologists, sociologists, criminologists, social scientists, police officers, corrections officers, emergency mangers, students, military personnel and others publishing on topics which include but are not limited to:

Hostage negotiation; Crisis Intervention Teams; Homeland Security; Cyber-terrorism; emergency management and natural disasters; Low Intensity conflict and hostage rescue; Drones; Terrorism; Extremist groups and gangs; Swat teams; Correctional mental health and security. The best approach for increased submissions would be to encourage articles where an academic pairs with a police officer to write an academic article. The journal will also encourage case studies and book reviews, and will endeavor to be inclusive rather than exclusive in our editorial manuscript selection process.

SAGE Open publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Accepted articles span the full extent of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.

SAGE Open seeks to be the world’s premier open access outlet for academic research. As such, unlike traditional journals, SAGE Open does not limit content due to page budgets or thematic significance. Rather, SAGE Open evaluates the scientific and research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research. This approach allows readers greater access and gives them the power to determine the significance of each article through SAGE Open’s interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, SAGE Open facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.

SAGE Open offers authors quick review and decision times; a speedy, continuous-publication format; and global distribution for their research via SAGE Journals Online. All articles are professionally copyedited and typeset to ensure quality.

Those who should submit to SAGE Open include:

  • Authors who want their articles to receive quality reviews and efficient production, ensuring the quickest publication time.
  • Authors who want their articles to receive free, broad, and global distribution on a powerful, highly discoverable publishing platform.
  • Authors who want their articles branded and marketed by a world-leading social science publisher.
  • Authors who want or need their articles to be open access because of university or government mandates. 
Editorial Board
Wolfgang Bilsky Institute of Psychology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Frank A. Bolz, Jr. New York Police Department's Hostage-Negotiating Unit, USA
William Campbell Emergency Management Specialist, FEMA Region 7
Roger Dixon Fort Worth Police Department, USA
Mitchale Felder Fort Worth Police Department, USA
James Greenstone  
George Klein  
Sharon C. Leviton DABECI, Crisis Intervention
Mark Lomax National Tactical Officers Association, USA
Arthur J. Lurgio Loyola University, Chicago, USA
Tomas Mijares Texas State University, USA
Laurence Miller Royal Palm Medical Center, Australia
Henry Morgenstern Security Solutions International, USA
George R. Mount  
Steven P. Moysey Becker College, USA
Norbert Richter Police Negotiator, Germany
Daniel M. Rudofossi New York University, Steinhardt School of Education
Reuben Vaisman-Tzachor Counseling Center of Santa Monica - A Psychological Corporation, USA
Gregory M. Vecchi Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy, USA
Weldon Walles Fort Worth Police Department, USA
Richard Yentis Adolescent Psychiatrist & Pediatric Psychiatrist
Associate Editor-in-Chief

Thank you very much for your interest in Journal of Police Emergency Response. After much discussion, the editor and publisher have decided that it would be mutually beneficial at this point in time to transfer publication of this sub-journal fully into SAGE Open. This decision was made to improve the publication process. SAGE Open will continue to accept manuscripts related to topics of workplace rights. However, they will be reviewed and published through SAGE Open. We are very appreciative of all the authors who have contributed to the journal. While we are no longer accepting new submissions under the Journal of Police Emergency Response title, the manuscripts that have been published previously at SAGE will remain online under such title so they can continue to be a resource to researchers in the field.


Journal of Police Emergency Response recommends that authors follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Journal of Police Emergency Response is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscript Submission

Please read the Full Submissions Guidelines (PDF) before submitting your manuscript at Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Journal of Police Emergency Response will be reviewed.

Journal of Police Emergency Response publishes original research articles and literature reviews.

Article Processing Charge
If, after peer review, your manuscript is accepted for publication, a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) is payable. This APC covers the cost of publication and ensures that your article will be freely available online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons license.

The APC is $1,200 USD and will be payable upon acceptance.

Journal of Police Emergency Response publishes manuscripts under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY), which allows others to re-use the work without permission as long as the work is properly referenced.

Alternative license arrangements are available, for example, to meet particular funder mandates, made at the author's request.

More Information

Visit SAGE's OA licenses page for more information.

For more details on the Submission Guidelines, contact the Journal of Police Emergency Response editorial office as follows: