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Perspectives on International Relations - International Student Edition

Perspectives on International Relations - International Student Edition
Power, Institutions, and Ideas

Seventh Edition

January 2020 | 512 pages | CQ Press
Henry R. Nau’s bestselling book, Perspectives on International Relations is admired for its even-handed presentation of realism, liberalism, constructivism, and critical theory—and for expertly applying those perspectives in every chapter. Students focus on the ways the different perspectives shape our understanding of the root causes of historical events and current controversies in world affairs, and learn to think critically about the world’s most urgent issues. The new Seventh Edition includes updates on Brexit, the rise of Donald Trump and other populist leaders, and continuing developments for North Korea, Syria, and Russia.
Introduction: Why We Disagree about International Relations
The Crisis in Syria

The Roles of Perspectives, Levels of Analysis, and Causal Arrows

The Role of History

The Role of Methods

Is One Perspective or Method Best?

The Role of Judgment

The Role of Ethics and Morality


Chapter 1: How to Think about International Relations: Perspectives, Levels of Analysis, and Causal Arrows
The Attacks of September 11

Prisoner’s Dilemma

The Realist Perspective

The Liberal Perspective

The Identity Perspective

Critical Theory Perspectives

Levels of Analysis

Causal Arrows

PART I: Historical Patterns
Chapter 2: World War I: World on Fire
Europe in 1914

Realist Explanations

Liberal Explanations

Identity Explanations

Critical Theory Explanations


Chapter 3: World War II: Why Did War Happen Again?
Causes of Madness

Liberal Accounts

Realist Accounts

Identity Matters

Critical Theory Perspective


Chapter 4: The Origins and End of the Cold War
The Long Telegram

Snapshot of the Cold War

Realist Explanations

Identity Explanations

Liberal Explanations

Critical Theory Perspective


PART II: The Contemporary International System
Chapter 5: Realist Perspectives on Today’s World: Unipolarity, Rising Powers, and Ethnic Conflicts


Asymmetric Warfare

State Sovereignty, Decision-Making and Ethnic Conflicts


Chapter 6: Liberal Perspectives on Today’s World: Collective Security, Multilateral Diplomacy, Interdependence, and International Institutions
Collective Security

Multilateral Diplomacy


International Institutions

Regional Institutions


Chapter 7: Identity Perspectives on Today’s World: Democracy, Religion, Nationalism, and Human Rights



Human Rights


Part III: Globalization and Change
Chapter 8: Realist and Liberal Perspectives on Globalization: Security, Domestic Economy, Trade, Investment, and Finance
Snapshot of Globalization

Security and Economics

Domestic Economic Policies





Chapter 9: Identity Perspectives on Globalization: Development and Environment
Latin America

Sub-Saharan Africa

Middle East and North Africa



Chapter 10: Critical Theory Perspectives on Globalization: Inequality, Imperialism, and Injustice
Colonialism and Imperialism


World Systems

Multinational Corporations and Exploitation of Labor

Marginalized Minorities: Global Injustice

Persisting Global Inequality


Conclusion: Applying Perspectives and Levels of Analysis: The Case of the Democratic Peace





For instructors

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ISBN: 9781071807699