Psychological Assessment and Report Writing
- Karen Goldfinger - Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Connecticut
- Andrew M. Pomerantz - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
initially I thought it would provide a good resource for students, very disappointed in the lack of resources for students and faculty
Although I liked this book, it ultimately didn't seem appropriate for my psychological assessment class. My class does cover a little bit of assessment report writing, but it organized around a different set of topics (i.e., history and systems in testing, psychometric theory, and practice with current tests). I recommend this book to my students, but I don't require it for my class.
This is a nicely written textbook which provides a comprehensive overview of psychological assessment and report writing.
This is a good manuscript introducing students in psychological assessment. I consider it as valuable to my work as a lecturer and students so far are greatly benefited by it.
It is exactly what I needed for my class