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Psychological Science Package

Psychological Science Package

Publications of the Association for Psychological Sciences
An official journal of the Association for Psychological Science
Other Titles in:
Psychology (General)

The journals of the Association for Psychological Science are sold as a package. The journals are:

  • Psychological Science, the flagship journal of the Association for Psychological Science, is a leader in the field of psychology, with a citation ranking/impact factor that consistently places it in the top 10 psychology journals worldwide. The journal publishes cutting-edge research articles, short reports, and research reports spanning the entire spectrum of the science of psychology. This journal is the source for the latest findings in cognitive, social, developmental, and health psychology, as well as behavioral neuroscience and biopsychology. Psychological Science routinely features studies employing novel research methodologies and the newest, most innovative techniques of analysis.
  • Clinical Psychological Science publishes advances in clinical science and provides a venue for cutting-edge research across a wide range of conceptual views, approaches, and topics. The Journal encompasses many core domains that have defined clinical psychology, but also boundary-crossing advances that integrate and make contact with diverse disciplines and that may not easily be found in traditional clinical psychology journals. Among the key topics are research on the underlying mechanisms and etiologies of psychological health and dysfunction; basic and applied work on the diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental illness; service delivery; and promotion of well-being.
  • Current Directions in Psychological Science publishes reviews by leading experts covering all of scientific psychology and its applications. Each issue of Current Directions features a diverse mix of reports on various topics such as language, memory and cognition, development, the neural basis of behavior and emotions, various aspects of psychopathology, and theory of mind. These articles allow readers to stay apprised of important developments across subfields beyond their areas of expertise and bodies of research they might not otherwise be aware of. The articles in Current Directions are also written to be accessible to non-experts, making them ideally suited for use in the classroom as teaching supplements.
  • Perspectives on Psychological Science publishes an eclectic mix of provocative reports and articles, including broad integrative reviews, overviews of research programs, meta-analyses, theoretical statements, book reviews, and articles on topics such as the philosophy of science, opinion pieces about major issues in the field, autobiographical reflections of senior members of the field, and even occasional humorous essays and sketches. Perspectives contains both invited and submitted articles. An article in 2009 investigating correlative analyses commonly used in neuroimaging studies is still reverberating throughout the field, and a recent special issue of Perspectives, featuring prominent researchers writing about what they consider to be “The Next Big Questions in Psychology,” continues to shape the future trajectory of the discipline.
  • Psychological Science in the Public Interest (PSPI) is a unique journal featuring comprehensive and compelling reviews of issues that are of direct relevance to the general public. These reviews are written by blue ribbon teams of specialists representing a range of viewpoints, and are intended to assess the current state-of-the-science with regard to the topic. Among other things, PSPI reports have challenged the validity of the Rorschach and other projective tests; have explored how to keep the aging brain sharp; and have documented problems with the current state of clinical psychology. PSPI reports are regularly featured in Scientific American Mind and are typically covered in a variety of other major media outlets.
  • Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS), a new journal from APS, is the home for innovative developments in research methods, practices, and conduct across the full range of areas and topics within psychological science. AMPPS publishes new types of empirical work and articles and tutorials that reflect the various approaches to research across the field. The journal’s editorial scope encompasses the breadth of psychological science, with editors, reviewers, and articles representing a balance among diverse disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches. AMPPS encourages integration of methodological and analytical questions across multiple branches of psychological science and brings the latest methodological advances to non-methodology experts across all areas of the field.

The Association for Psychological Science (previously the American Psychological Society) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology and its representation at the national and international level. It was founded in 1988 by a group of scientifically oriented psychologists interested in advancing scientific psychology and its representation as a science at the national level. The Association's mission is to promote, protect, and advance the interests of scientifically oriented psychology in research, application, teaching, and the improvement of human welfare. APS has more than 20,000 members and includes the leading psychological scientists and academics, clinicians, researchers, teachers, and administrators.

Institutional Subscription, E-access

Institutional Backfile Purchase, E-access (Content through 1998)

Institutional Subscription & Backfile Lease, E-access Plus Backfile (All Online Content)

Institutional Subscription, Print Only

Institutional Subscription, Combined (Print & E-access)

Institutional Subscription & Backfile Lease, Combined Plus Backfile (Current Volume Print & All Online Content)