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Research Methods in Education

Research Methods in Education

First Edition

December 2011 | 440 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A companion website is available for this text

Research Methods in Education is an innovative new text for teaching introductory research methods that addresses emerging instructional needs. It weaves actual research "stories" into the presentation of research topics, and it emphasizes validity, authenticity, and practical significance as overarching research goals. This tripartite conceptual framework honours traditional quantitative approaches while reflecting the growing popularity of qualitative studies, mixed method designs, and school-based techniques.

The text is divided into three sections: Foundations of Research (5 chapters), Research Design and Data Collection (7 chapters), and Analyzing and Reporting Data (3 chapters). Together they provide a comprehensive, conceptually unified, and well-written introduction to the exciting but complex field of educational research.

Features and Benefits

- Each chapter begins with a research question that is addressed throughout the chapter to maintain students interest as the chapter develops

- Examples of published research studies related to the opening question are then used as examples throughout the chapter.

- Chapters conclude with a section on ethical considerations for the topics covered in that chapter.

- Abundant end-of-chapter questions and exercises in 4 sets: Discussion Questions, Practice Exercises, Web Exercises, and Developing a Research Proposal

- Strong ancillary support for instructors and students with testbank and PowerPoint slides, SAGE journal articles, self-quizzes, interactive exercises, and more.

Part I. Foundations of Research
1. Science, Schooling, and Educational Research
Learning About the Educational World

The Educational Research Approach

Educational Research Philosophies


2. The Process and Problems of Educational Research
Educational Research Questions

Educational Research Basics

The Role of Educational Theory

Educational Research Goals

Educational Research Proposals, Part I


3. Ethics in Research
Historical Background

Ethical Principles


4. Conceptualization and Measurement

Measurement Operations

Levels of Measurement

Evaluating Measures


5. Sampling
Sample Planning

Sampling Methods

Sampling Distributions


Part II. Research Design and Data Collection
6. Causation and Research Design
Causal Explanation

Criteria for Causal Explanations

Types of Research Designs

True Experimental Designs

Quasi-Experimental Designs

Threats to Validity in Experimental Designs



7. Evaluation Research
What Is Evaluation Research?

What Can an Evaluation Study Focus On?

How Can the Program Be Described? Creating a Program Logic Model

What Are the Alternatives in Evaluation Design?

Ethical Issues in Evaluation Research


8. Survey Research
Why Is Survey Research So Popular?

Errors in Survey Research

Questionnaire Design

Writing Questions

Survey Design Alternatives

Combining Methods

Survey Research Design in a Diverse Society

Ethical Issues in Survey Research


9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening
Fundamentals of Qualitative Research

Participant Observation

Intensive Interviewing

Focus Groups

Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research


10. Single-Subject Design
Foundations of Single-Subject Design

Measuring Targets of Intervention

Types of Single-Subject Designs

Analyzing Single-Subject Designs

Ethical Issues in Single-Subject Design


11. Mixing and Comparing Methods and Studies
Mixed Methods

Comparing Reserch Designs

Performing Meta-Analyses


12. Teacher Research and Action Research
Teacher Research: Three Case Studies

Teacher Research: A Self-Planning Outline for Creating Your Own Project

Action Research and How It Differs From Teacher Research

Validity and Ethical Issues in Teacher Research and Action Research


Part III. Analyzing and Reporting Data
13. Quantitative Data Analysis
Why We Need Statistics

Preparing Data for Analysis

Displaying Univariate Distributions

Summarizing Univariate Distributions

Relationships (Associations) Among Variables

Presenting Data Ethically: How Not to Lie With Statistics


14. Qualitative Data Analysis
Features of Qualitative Data Analysis

Techniques of Qualitative Data Analysis

Alternatives in Qualitative Data Analysis

Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis

Ethics in Qualitative Data Analysis


15. Proposing and Reporting Research
Educational Research Proposals, Part II

Reporting Research

Ethics, Politics, and Research Reports


Appendix A: Questions to Ask About a Research Article
Appendix B: How to Read a Research Article
Appendix C: Finding Information, by Elizabeth Schneider and Russell K. Schutt
Appendix D: Table of Random Numbers
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors

A good supplimentary textbook

Mrs Annabel Yale
Social and Psychological Science, Edge Hill University
February 3, 2020

Brilliant well-written book. Easy to read students enjoyed this book and supported their learning.

Miss Natasha Hassan
Dept of Education, Bolton University
January 14, 2018

Loved the examples and the additional resources.

Dr Meca Williams-Johnson
Curric Foundations Read Dept, Georgia Southern University
January 14, 2016

This book provides a comprehensive guide for students undertaking reseach within education with text and structure that is both easy to follow and understand
I would definitely recommend this text to students undertaking reseach.

Mrs Jacqui Creed
Dept of Allied Health (Peterborough), Anglia Ruskin University
June 2, 2014

A good resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Dr Spyros Themelis
Sch of Education & Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia
February 5, 2014

More for an undergrad audience not post grad, But very good to refresh existing knowledge and keeping up to date

Dr Linda Barlow-Meade
Faculty of Health, Social Work & Educ, Northumbria University
August 15, 2013

It seemed straightforward and was priced well for students

Dr Kathy Hayes
Applied Adv Stds Education Div, California State University - Los Angeles
May 30, 2013

A very well written book that should be of interest to learners. I have highly recommended it to students but given the current economic climate, cannot insist on an essential status

Dr Gordon Ade-ojo
Lifelong learning teacher education, Greenwich University
February 13, 2013

This book is very comprehensive. All chapters are enough detailed for students. Especially, the appendicies are very usefull for teachers and students.
For example, App. A (Questions to ask about reseacrh article) and App. B (How to read a research article) have critical importance for all researchers, master and doctoral students.
And also, In my opinion, Using the web site of the book (Instructor Teaching Site) can support students' effective learning, increase the course quality and make to easy the course management.
I will recommend Research Method in Education as supplemental book in my course at this term

Educational Admin , Gaziantep University
January 22, 2013

A good book for those in the early stages of research methods for education. Clearly written with simplicity in mind which takes you nicely through the different stages of research.

Mrs Anita McGowan
Humanities , Croydon College
December 18, 2012

For instructors

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SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.

With SAGE Research Methods, researchers can explore their chosen method across the depth and breadth of content, expanding or refining their search as needed; read online, print, or email full-text content; utilize suggested related methods and links to related authors from SAGE Research Methods' robust library and unique features; and even share their own collections of content through Methods Lists. SAGE Research Methods contains content from over 720 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, the entire “Little Green Book,” and "Little Blue Book” series, two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles, and specially commissioned videos.