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Social Work Practice in Healthcare

Social Work Practice in Healthcare
Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends

Other Titles in:
Social Work and Health Care

June 2015 | 536 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

This pragmatic and comprehensive book helps readers develop the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for effective health care social work practice, as well as an understanding of the technological, social, political, ethical, and financial factors affecting contemporary patient care. Packed with case studies and exercises, the book emphasizes the importance of being attentive to both patient and organizational needs, covers emerging trends in health care policy and delivery, provides extensive discussion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and addresses social work practice across the continuum of care.

Introduction to Social Work Practice in Healthcare
Chapter 1: The Historical and Contemporary Context for Healthcare Social Work Practice

Evolution of medical social work practice

Historical context of health care in the United States

Public health in the United States

Early efforts to nationalize health care in the United States

Contemporary health care reform: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 2: The Organizational Context of Health Care Social Work Practice

Health care organizations

Social work challenges in contemporary health care organizations

The advent of managed health care

The PPACA and Accountable Care Organizations

The health care system as a continuum

Continuum components, focus of care and social work services


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 3: Knowledge and Theoretical Foundations of Health Care Social Work Practice

The changing health care system

Definitions of health, wellness, disease and disability

The medical model of practice

Health condition adjustment: Patient/family counseling

A theoretical framework for intervention


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 4: Health Care Social Work Practice Skills and Competencies

Definition of health care social work practice

The roles and functions of health care social work practice

The helping process applied to health care social work practice


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 5: Values and Ethics of Health Care Social Work

Social work values

Ethical dilemmas

Ethical decision-making

Ethics Committees




Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 6: Practice-Based Research in Health Care Social Work

Evidence-based practice

From research to quality improvement

Practice based evaluation

Best practice in evaluation design

Evaluative designs

Outcome findings and quality evaluation

Creating a positive culture for evaluation


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Part 2: Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends
Chapter 7: Chronic Illness: Issues and Interventions

Health disparities and associated costs of chronic illness

Biopsychosocial assessment of health needs and services

Social work role in care coordination

Facilitating adherence to medical regimens

The impact of chronic illness on family functioning

Special considerations: Chronic illness in childhood Chronic diseases overview


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 8: Transitional Planning Across the Continuum of Care

Discharge planning through the continuum of care

Interprofessional care coordination

Medical “gatekeepers”

Preadmission planning

Transitional care planning

The role of social work in long-term care

Alternatives to nursing home care


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 9: Social Work Practice in Oncology, Palliative Care and End of Life Care

Eolution of cancer care

Survivability factors

Cultural issues

Current trends in psychosocial care: Functions and roles

Psychosocial screening and assessment

Depression and anxiety in cancer patients

Characteristics of oncology social work practice

Patient and family intervention

Summary: The challenge of oncology practice

Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 10: Community Health and Health Promotion

Theoretical framework

Skills and competencies

Values and ethics

Health promotion and wellness models

Cultural considerations

Role of social work in community and public health

Emerging trends




Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 11: Gerontological Health Care Social Work Practice
a. Introduction

b. Our aging population

c. Demographic influences

d. Present health status of the aging population

e. Health care and social services needs of an aging population

f. The opportunity for social work practice

g. Gerontological social work functions

h. Intervention with an aging population

i. Social work policy practice with an aging population

j. Summary

k. Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 12: Intervention with Pediatric Patients and their Families

Child health in the United States

Chronic health

Mental health

Developmental disabilities

Accidental injury

Pediatric care sites and social work practice

Social work practice knowledge and skills


Child maltreatment

Professional values and ethics

Practice challenges

Practice opportunities


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 13: Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders in Medical Patients: Implications for Health Care Social Work Practice

Psychiatric care in health settings

The social work role in behavioral health

Substance abuse as a co-occurring disorder

Integrating care


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 14: Supervision and Evaluation

Importance of clinical supervision

The historical context of supervision

Definitions: Field education, supervision and consultation

Theoretical foundations

Supervision Competencies

Supervision modalities

Trends in supervision

Ethical responsibilities of supervisors

Performance evaluation


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 15: Cultural Competence in Health Care Social Work

Defining cultural competence

Specific considerations in culturally competent health care

The gay, lesbian and transgendered population

Culturally competent health care organizations


Key terms, concepts and exercises

Chapter 16: Glimpses into the Future of Health Care and Social Work Practice

On the health care policy horizon

On the health care service delivery horizon

On the health care social work practice horizon

Envisioning the future…

Key terms, concepts and exercises



Instructor Teaching Site

Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:

  • A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • A Respondus electronic test bank is available and can be used on PCs. The test bank contains multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter and provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding. Respondus is also compatible with many popular learning management systems so you can easily get your test questions into your online course.
  • Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course. 
  • Sample course syllabi for semester and quarter courses provide suggested models for use when creating the syllabi for your course.
  • Case studies, discussion questions, class exercises, and web resources from the book are provided in Microsoft® Word® for use in your course.

Charting the territory of health care in American society is a daunting task. This text takes on the challenge in a bold and ambitious style that is robust in historical accuracy and insightful when articulating the responsibility of professional social work in today’s complex evolving health care environment. A particular hallmark of this text is the thread that is weaved from the origins of American health care to its current texture.

Frank R. Baskind, Dean Emeritus and Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, Past President of the Council on Social Work Education

More than an academic text, this important work clearly and accurately characterizes the skills, challenges, and patient and family-centered work of the present day healthcare social worker. Amidst the turmoil and theoretical debate driven by health care reform, the authors write from direct experience effectively bringing their knowledge into a comprehensive examination of the value and role of social workers in the health care arena today.

Edward Woomer, Associate Administrator, Nemours duPont Hospital for Children, Past President of the National Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care

“Drs. Allen and Spitzer provide a very thorough and insightful examination of not only the profession of social work, but also the complex context in which social workers must work. The treatment of the history of attention to social determinants of health, the evolution of the healthcare delivery system, and the renewed attention to social determinants through the Affordable Care Act is of interest and importance not only to members of the profession, but to all healthcare professionals and others who wish to understand this rapidly changing industry.”

Carolyn (Cindy) A. Watts, Richard M. Bracken Chair and Chairman, Department of Health Administration, School of Allied Health Professionals, Virginia Commonwealth University

This comprehensive volume makes an important new contribution to the literature of health care social work. In exploring social work’s changing roles in health care, it offers knowledge that is based both on thorough research and on practice wisdom drawn from experiences of the editors and authors.

Kay Davidson, Past Dean and Professor, University of Connecticut School of Social Work

Drs. Allen and Spitzer provide a comprehensive and well-sourced review of the practice of social work within the broader context of past and present health care delivery models. Most intriguing is their projection of the future of social work in health care using patient-centered, integrated care, medical homes, navigators, and patient/provider partnerships.

Michael Jurgensen, Senior Vice President, Health Policy & Planning, Medical Society of Virginia

A great textbook for a social work and healthcare course. My students have expressed how excited they are about this book, and course.

Mr Jared Dean Johnson
Social Work, Middle Georgia State University
April 9, 2023

Excellent textbook for social workers interested in healthcare settings. The textbook was thorough, interesting and covered important aspects and populations for educating social workers about healthcare social work.

Dr Kathryn Bonach
Social Work, Carlow University
May 4, 2023

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 6

Chapter 15

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