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Stem Journal

Stem Journal

Published in Association with IOS Press
eISSN: 24688304 | ISSN: 24688290

StemJournal is an international, multidisciplinary publication for communicating outstanding stem cell research, including basic biology, clinical application, disease modeling, computational and systems biology, and data science. It promises to be open to new scientific contributions from the many fields of research on stem cells.

The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed content covering a wide range of topics related to stem cell research, including research reports, review articles, protocols, and more. This is an online journal that follows an open access model.

Submit your manuscript today at

StemJournal is an international, multidisciplinary publication for communicating outstanding stem cell research, including basic biology, clinical applications, disease modeling, computational and systems biology, and data science. It promises to be open new scientific contributions from the many fields of research on stem cells. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed content covering a wide range of topics related to stem cell research, including research reports, review articles, protocols, and more. This is an online journal that follows an open access model – visit at View the full Aims & Scope on the journal website here.

StemJournal is a sister publication to the stem cell community portal StemBook – visit at StemJournal and StemBook are the first components in IOS Press' forthcoming StemHub (read our related press releases, here & here). New components include: StemMeets (meeting abstracts) and StemRxiv (preprints).

Niels Geijsen Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Giorgia Quandrato Keck School of Medicine of USC, USA
Senior Editors
Laurence Daheron Harvard University, USA
Winston Hide Harvard Medical School, USA
Agnete Kirkeby University of Copenhagen, Demnark
Fredrik Lanner Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Stephanie Willerth University of Victoria, Canada
Associate Editors
Kristen Brennand Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Qiurong Ding Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
Jenna Galloway Harvard Medical School, USA
Jacob Hanna Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Lyn Healy The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Shannan Ho Sui Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA
Jonathan Hoggatt Harvard Medical School, USA
Meritxell Huch Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Germany
Insoo Hyun Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA
Darrell Kotton Boston University and Boston Medical Center, USA
Kathy Lui The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Florian Merkle University of Cambridge, UK
George Murphy Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Louise Purton St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Evan Snyder Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, USA
Takanori Takebe Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Ludovic Vallier Wellcome and MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, UK
Joseph Wu Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Wenli Yang University of Pennsylvania, USA
Editorial Advisory Board
James Adjaye Heinrich Heine University, Germany
Tim Ahfelt Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Hidenori Akutsu National Center for Child Health and Development, Japan
Ramiro Alberio University of Nottingham, UK
Juan Alvarez-Dominguez Harvard University, USA
Stelios Andreadis The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Anthony Atala Wake Forest University School of Medicine, USA
Ivana Barbaric The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Nick Barker Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
Milena Bellin Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Semir Beyaz Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Kapil Bharti National Eye Institute, USA
Deepa Bhartiya National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, India
Joshua Mark Brickman University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Davide Cacchiarelli Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Italy
Ian Chambers The University of Edinburgh, UK
Huanhuan Joyce Chen The University of Chicago, USA
Ivy Pin-Fang Chen Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
Dong-woo Cho Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea
Irina Conboy UC Berkeley, USA
April Craft Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Stephen Dalton University of Georgia, USA
Jennifer Erwin Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Camilla Forsberg Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells, USA
Deborah French Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Core), USA
Paul Gadue Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Brigitte Gomperts UCLA, USA
Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis Sloan Kettering Institute, USA
William Hendriks Harvard Medical School, USA
Shijun Hu Soochow University, China
John Hutchinson Harvard Chan School of Public Health, USA
Dietmar Hutmacher Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Oluwatayo Ikotun University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Rosario Isasi University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA
Juan Izpisúa-Belmonte Salk Institute, USA
Marianne James Boston University and Boston Medical Center, USA
Miroslaw Janowski Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Peng Jiang Rutgers University New Brunswick, USA
Nima Khadem Mohtaram University of Waterloo, Canada
Majlinda Lako Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Justin Durla Lathia Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic, USA
Ping Liang Zhejiang University, China
Charles Lin Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, USA
Torsten Meissner Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
Michael Monaghan University of Dublin, Ireland
Shruti Naik New York University School of Medicine, USA
Thao Nguyen University of South Australia, Australia
Susan Nilsson Monash University, Australia
Yusuke Ono Kumamoto University, Japan
Jose Ordovas-Montanes Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
Kenji Osafune Tokyo University, Japan
Vincent Pasque KU Leuven, Belgium
Ming Pei West Virginia University, USA
Shayn Peirce-Cottler University of Virginia, USA
Michael Peitz University of Bonn, Germany
Eric Pietras University of Colorado Denver, USA
James Pru Washington State University, USA
Pranela Rameshwar Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, USA
Martin Rodriguez-Porcel Mayo Clinic, USA
Sergio Ruiz Macias National Cancer Institute, USA
George Sen University of California, USA
Douglas Sipp Riken, Japan
Guiomar Solanas Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Spain
Sato Taku Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Jose Teixeira Michigan State University, USA
Adrian Teo Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), A*STAR, Singapore
Giuseppe Testa University of Milan, Italy
Gavin Tjin St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Wei Tong Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Rachel Truitt University of Pennsylvania, USA
Anestis Tsakiridis University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Maria Tsiarli University of Cyprus, USA
Ali Turhan Universite Paris-Saclay, France
Gregory Underhill University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Kim Vanuytsel Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Li Wang Fuwai Hospital, China
Ashley Webb Brown University, USA
Jessica Whited Harvard University, USA
Jun Wu University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Holm Zaehres Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Chun-Li Zhang UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Pinar Zorlutuna University of Notre Dame, USA
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