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Cognitive behavioural therapy

cognitive behavioural therapy banner

By making negative interpretations, and using certain behavioural patterns, it is possible a client will reinforce distorted thoughts. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps clients understand the impact of their emotions and thoughts on their feelings.

CP journal  Our featured book

Book cover

The ABC of CBT


The ABC of CBT introduces you to the basics of CBT, guiding you through applying the key principles, techniques, and strategies across various disorders. With case studies and worksheets, the book will help you effectively integrate CBT into your professional practice.

"This is an invaluable book for all trainee CBT therapists and integrative trainee counsellors wanting to understand the basics of CBT. It is structured well and addresses the main points for the ethical application of CBT."

- Mrs Ana Paula Wellbrook, Counselling and Psychology, City Lit


CP megaphone  Recommended reading 


The counselling and psychotherapy hub is full of useful links, book chapters, interactive videos and more. Here are a few books to add to your collection of resources:


book cover

Low-Intensity CBT Skills and Interventions

This book guides you systematically through Low-intensity CBT interventions and clinical procedures. Accompanied by an Online Resource site with workbooks and worksheets, it serves as a detailed guide for both trainee and qualified Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners. 

Want to know more? Have a free preview on us!

sample chapter


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First Steps in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

The book serves as an insightful guide to cognitive behaviour therapy, catering to both curious readers and professionals keen on delving into the approach. It delves into the historical roots, behavioral and cognitive principles, and contemporary practices, offering valuable insights. Chapters on Formulation, Working with Imagery, and Future Directions in CBT expand your knowledge, with practical activities and real-life cases to enhance your application of principles to real-world scenarios.

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An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

This bestselling guide to the basic theory, skills and applications of cognitive behaviour therapy is fully updated to reflect recent developments in CBT theory. It includes in-depth material on working with diversity, and new case studies and exercises to help you reflect and explore how theory can be used to develop effective practice.

The Companion Website features over 40 videos illustrating the CBT skills and strategies discussed in the book.