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The Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research

The Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research

July 2008 | 592 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Most researchers in management retain a primary focus on their specialist topic and neglect the question of whether broader cultural factors impinge upon the way in which their topic finds expression in different parts of the world. Current trends toward the globalization of business render this position increasingly untenable. The Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research is the first reference that draws together current cross-national studies conducted within specific management fields and relates them to the conceptual frameworks that have emerged from studies with a more explicit cross-cultural focus.
Mark F. Peterson, Peter B. Smith, and David C. Thomas
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Essence of Culture: Systems of Values, Beliefs and Meanings

Links between People and Organizations

Organizational Structures and Processes

Managing a Multiple Nation Workforce

Mark F. Peterson and Robert E. Wood
Chapter 2: Cognitive Structures and Processes in Cross-Cultural Management
Motives and Motivation Processes

Personality Constructs

Cognitive Perspectives for Cross-Cultural Management Research

Conclusions From Cognitive Theory

Research Agenda

Mark F. Peterson and Peter B. Smith
Chapter 3: Social Structures and Processes in Cross-Cultural Management
Nations as Cultures

How is Culture Created, Maintained, and Disseminated?

Where Should Cultural Boundaries Be Drawn?

Individuals Within Social Structures: Roles, Rules, and Norms

Kwok Leung
Chapter 4: Methods and Measurements in Cross-Cultural Management
Methodological Challenges in Cross-Cultural Management Research

Cross-Cultural Equivalence

Design of Cross-Cultural Studies

Establishing Causality in Cross-Cultural Management Research

Methodological Issues in International Management Research

Emerging Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Management Research

Xu Huang
Chapter 5. Motivation and Job Satisfaction across Nations: How Much Do We Really Know?
The Theoretical Challenge to Universal Motivation Theories

Empirical Evidence of Cross-National Variability

In Defense of Universalist Motivation Theories

How Much Do We Really Know?

S. Arzu Wasti
Chapter 6: Organizational Commitment: Complication or Clarification
Dimensions of Organizational Commitment

Antecedents of Organizational Commitment

Outcomes of Organizational Commitment

Rene Schalk and Joseph Soeters
Chapter 7. Psychological Contracts around the Globe: Cultural Agreements and Disagreements

Characteristics of Psychological Contracts

The World as One Culture and as Many

Aspects of Cross-Cultural Differences in Psychological Contracts

Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research

Ronald Fischer
Chapter 8. Organizational Justice and Reward Allocation
Dimensions of Justice

Distributive Justice

Interpersonal Justice

Justice Perceptions

Areas for Future Development

Kerr Inkson and Svetlana Khapova
Chapter 9. International Careers

The Special Nature of Careers in International Contexts

Contextual Influences on International Careers

Migration and International Careers

Two Types of International Career

Current Issues in International Careers

Larry Jiing-Lih Farh, Rick Hackett, and Zhi-Jun Chen
Chapter 10. Organizational Citizenship in the Global Context
National Culture

Criteria for Selecting Studies for Review

Review of the Literature

The Influence of National Culture on the Construct Domain of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

The Influence of National Culture on Differences in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Moderating Effects of National Culture on Predictor- Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Relationships

Moderating Effects of National Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour -Outcome Relationships

Future Research Direction

Mila Lazarova and Michelle Lowe
Chapter 11. Work and Family: Research in Cross-National and International Contexts
Expatriate Work/Family Research

Research across Different National Contexts

Comparative Work/Family Research

Conclusions and Directions for Future Research

David C. Thomas and Stacey R. Fitzsimmons
Chapter 12. Cross Cultural Skills and Abilities: From Communication Competence to Cultural Intelligence
Effective Intercultural Interactions

The Historical Basis for Studying Cross-Cultural Skills and Abilities

Models of Intercultural Effectiveness

A Typology of Cross-Cultural Skills and Abilities


Zeynep Aycan
Chapter 13. Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership
Theoretical Approaches to Leadership in Cultural Context

A Critical Review of Cross-Cultural Leadership Research

Culture as a Main Effect Influencing Leadership

Culture as a Moderator of the Relationship between Leadership and Outcomes

Culture as a Source of Meaning: The Case of Paternalistic Leadership

Ping Fing Fu and Jun Liu
Chapter 14. Cross-Cultural Influence Strategies and Power Sources

The Existing Literature: A General Review

A New Approach


Nir Halevy and Lilach Sagiv
Chapter 15. Teams Within and Across Cultures
Multicultural Teams

The Cultural Group Approach

The Dynamic Constructivist Approach

Unresolved Issues and Opportunities for Research

Jeanne Brett adn Susan Crotty
Chapter 16. Culture and Negotiation
The Dimensional Approach to Studying Cultural Effects on Negotiations

The Cultural Group Approach

The Dynamic Constructivist Approach

Unresolved Issues and Opportunities for Research

Miriam Erez and Efrat Shokef
Chapter 17. The Culture of Global Organizations
The Nature of Multinational Enterprises

Culture as a Multi-Level Dynamic Construct

A Global Work Culture

An Empirical Examination of the Global Work Culture Value Typology

Summary and Discussion

Jon Lervik
Chapter 18. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Enterprises: Cultural and Institutional Perspectives

Cross-Cultural Perspectives


Discussion and Conclusion

Peter B. Smith
Chapter 19. Indigenous Aspects of Management
Societal Systems of Capitalism

More Specific System Elements

Emic Approaches

Strengthening the Contribution from Indigenous Studies

Evert van de Vliert
Chapter 20. Climate, Wealth, and Organization
Climate and National Culture in Organizations

Climate-Wealth Foundation of Organization Construction

Climato-Economic Niches of Organizational Structures

Climato-Economic Niches of Organizational Strategies

Three Tentative Conclusions

Three Remaining Puzzles

Chris Brewster and Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Chapter 21. Comparative Human Resource Management Policies and Practices
Comparing HRM around the Globe

Explaining the Differences in Comparative HRM: Culture and Institutions

Evidence of Convergence?


Rosalie Tung and Arup Varma
Chapter 22. Expatriate Selection and Evaluation

Expatriate Selection

Expatriate Evaluation


Mustafa Özbilgin
Chapter 23. Global Diversity Management

Historical Development of the Diversity Management Concept

Single-Nation Diversity Management Research

Global Diversity Management: From Practice to Theory


Richard Brislin, Brent Macnab, and Farzana Nayani
Chapter 24. Cross-Cultural Training: Applications and Research
Goals of Cross-Cultural Training

The Need for Cross-Cultural Training

Historical Development of Cross-Cultural Training

Development of Cross-Cultural Training Methods

Types of CCT Programs

CCT Effectiveness

Recommendations for Future CCT Research

Final Thoughts, Practical Recommendations and Future Considerations

Davina Vora
Chapter 25. Managerial Roles in the International Context
Typologies of Managerial Roles

Role Theory and Boundary Spanning Theory

A Contingency Approach

Areas for Future Research

Günter K. Stahl
Chapter 26. Cultural Dynamics and Impact of Cultural Distance within Mergers and Acquisitions
Cultural Variations in Mergers and Acquisitions

Beyond the Cultural Distance Paradigm: Research into the Performance Effects of Cultural Differences in Mergers and Acquisitions

Linking Cultural Differences to Integration Outcomes: Theoretical Perspectives on the Role of Culture in Mergers and Acquisitions

The Impact of Cultural Differences on Post-Merger Performance: An Integrative Model

Open Questions and Future Research Directions


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ISBN: 9781412940269

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