Working with Babies and Children
From Birth to Three
- Jools Page - University of Sheffield, UK
- Cathy Nutbrown - University of Sheffield, UK
- Ann Clare - Early Years Consultant
Early Childhood Curriculum | Early Childhood Education | Educational Research Methods
This revised edition emphasizes:
child development and learning
attachment/key person relationships
planning the environment for babies
understanding every child
working with parents
Book Review
Working with babies and children: From birth to three by
Jools Page, Ann Clare and Cathy Nutbrowne
Helen Lane
New Zealand Tertiary College
This is a compilation of writing about practice with children under three. The
authors are all based in England and, consequently, the focus is on issues and
experiences specific to the English context, but within this, there is still
discussion of ideas that are relevant to Aotearoa/New Zealand. The information
within the book would be most useful in supporting students to develop
theoretical understanding for working with young children, but it is also useful to
support experienced practitioners who would like to reflect and think more
deeply about their practice in light of the ever growing knowledge about how
best to provide optimal care for young children and their families.
The book starts by saying that “babies are amazing” and this is the message
conveyed within all the writing, but with more detail to reinforce the wonder, joy,
appreciation and importance of engaging with passion when working with this
young age group. Discussion within the Introduction includes acknowledging
what the current view and general practice stance is: that children have many
amazing capabilities from the start of life. This view and knowledge helps
reinforce the importance of using language that well represents the startling
abilities with which babies learn about their world. The language used here by
the authors includes saying how babies are inventors, originators and architects
of learning, and astoundingly so in these early stages of life.
Chapter 1 looks at what research tells us to bring us to a place where education
is part of the landscape, not just from age five but also for children much
younger. What is really useful in this Introduction and the following chapters are
the anecdotal case studies to highlight key points and then, from these, a range
of questions are provided to provoke our thinking about what our practice is like
with young children. An example of this is the question, “what strategies do you
use in your setting to help young children recognize a change is about to occur
in their routine?” The book sells the importance of reflection, that is, how can a
singular practice style be sufficient without it? It is useful to hear how practicing
in only a prescriptive way does not give enough recognition to the individuality of
each group and child within that group.
The second chapter takes us to a discussion of neuroscience. It seems worth
highlighting what is a key point of knowledge from this information, which is that
babies have a hierarchy of interest and cue in first on people, and then on
objects and materials. We must conclude from this that relationship needs lie at
the heart of practice with infants and toddlers. We have the science to back us
up on that idea and this is reassuring to know. Chapter 3 further considers what
quality is and what it is not, and includes a reading from Aotearoa/New Zealand
authors Dalli et al. Policy comes under consideration in this discussion because,
without policy that provides clear concern for quality, standards and care for
young children can be undermined.
For those students working with babies and young children I have recommended this text. I am aware of the expertise of the authors and have also sourced the authors more recent journal articles which continue to develop knowledge of the subject.
A useful reference for those students interested in working with the under threes.
Excellent text, well informed, accessible and relevant to students, practitioners and teachers. Particularly pertinent to settings accepting children with 2 year old free places.
This book is quite relevant to use when discussing the current 'two year olds' situation. It places strong emphasis on recent research, which is crucial in studying the FdA in Early Years.
This book is an excellent key text in it's own right and will supplement my more general key texts on child development. The focus on birth to three in such detail, with current research, thinking about the environment, focus on children's rights and views, responding to children's thinking and behaviours is ideal to enable our students to examine current perspectives on ideal childcare support.
A very practical book for those new to early years, and to planning for young children. Working with the under 3s is often and area students struggle with, this book will certainly prove helpful.
Excellent text for reflective practitioners
Case studies are used to good effect to support learning and further discussion
Good for those practitioners working in baby rooms to provide for their individual needs.