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Inter-organizational Relations

Inter-organizational Relations

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2013 | 2 088 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Inter-organizational relations and practices - formal and informal - seem to be everywhere; and the tasks of description, explanation and 'prescription' of inter-organizational arrangements and their attributes have become important scholarly challenges. Turning the spotlight on this profoundly engaging topic, this five-volume set brings together articles from internationally-renowned scholars, seeking to address the various questions that have arisen; the forms of analysis that have developed in the field; the accumulation of theoretical and empirical knowledge about IOR; the continuing debates; and to offer suggestions about the next generation of research.

Overseen by an international team of editors who provide a map of the field through a new comprehensive introduction, this work will be of interest to scholars across a wide range of disciplines, and is structured to reflect both chronology in development of the topic, and the conceptual and empirical knowledge that has accumulated.

Volume One: Inter-organizational Relations: Basic Concepts and Formation of the Field

Volume Two: The Structure and Governance of Inter-organizational Relations

Volume Three: Understanding Inter-organizational Relations in Context

Volume Four: Understanding Inter-organizational Relations as Process

Volume Five: Inter-organizational Relations: Current Debates and Future Research

Early Foundations
Towards a Theory of Inter-organizational Relations

William Evan
The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments

F.E. Emery and E.L. Trist
Foundational Theory
A Theory of Interfirm Organization

Almarin Phillips
Resource Dependence and Inter-organizational Relations

Howard Aldrich
The Inter-organizational Network as a Political Economy

J. Kenneth Benson
Referent Organizations and the Development of Inter-Organizational Domains

Eric Trist
Exchange and Power in Networks of Inter-organizational Relations

Karen Cook
Non-contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study

Stewart Macaulay
On Strategic Networks

J. Carlos Jarillo
Early Empirical Work
Exchange as a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Inter-organizational Relationships

Sol Levine and Paul White
Patterns of Inter-organizational relationships

Richard Hall et al
Defining and Measuring Structural Variations in Inter-organizational Arrangements

Elinor Ostrom, Roger Parks and Gordon Whitaker
Organization Strategies and Inter-organizational Networks

J.L. Metcalfe
Joint Ventures and Inter-organizational Interdependence

Jeffrey Pfeffer and Phillip Nowak
Initial Reviews
On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations Among Organizations

Andrew Van De Ven
Inter-organizational relations - A review of the field

David Whetten
Characteristics of Organizations
Inter-organizational endorsements and performance of entrepreneurial ventures

Toby Stuart, Ha Hoang and Ralph Hybels
Make, Ally, or Buy: A Transaction Cost Theory Meta-analysis

Inge Geyskens, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp and Nirmalya Kumar
Relationships between Organisations
Strategic Alliances and Interfirm Knowledge Transfer

David Mowery, Joanne Oxley and Brian Silverman
Absorptive Capacity, Learning, and Performance in International Joint Ventures

Peter Lane, Jane Salk and Marjorie Lyles
Governance Mechanisms
A General Theory of Network Governance: Exchange, Conditions and Social Mechanisms

Andrea Larson Network Dyads in Entrepreneurial Settings: A Study of the Governance of Exchange Relations Candace Jones, William Hesterly and Stephen Borgatti
Control of Inter-organizational Relationships: Evidence on Appropriation Concerns and Coordination Requirements

Henri Dekker
Effects of Trust and Governance on Relational Risk

Bart Nooteboom, Hans Berger and Niels Noorderhaven
Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Inter-Organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance

Akbar Zaheer, Bill McEvily and Vincenzo Perrone
Strategies of Engagement: Lessons from the Critical Examination of Collaboration and Conflict in an Inter-organizational Domain

Cynthia Hardy and Nelson Phillips
Is a Long-term Business Relationship an Implied Contract? Two Views of Relationship Disengagement

Debbie Harrison
The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Inter-organizational Competitive Advantage

Jeffrey Dyer and Harbir Singh
Structuring Cooperative Relationships between Organizations

P.S. Ring and A. H. Van de Ven
Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study

Gautam Ahuja
Don't go it Alone: Alliance Network Composition and Startups' Performance in Canadian Biotechnology

Joel Baum, Tony Calabrese and Brian Silverman
Regional Networks and the Resurgence of Silicon Valley

AnnaLee Saxenian
Cool Projects, Boring Institutions: Temporary Collaboration in Social Context

Gernot Grabher
A Preliminary Theory of Inter-organizational Network Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Four Community Mental Health Systems

Keith Provan and H. Brinton Milward
The Public Governance of Collaborative Spaces: Discourse, Design and Democracy

Chris Skelcher, Navdeep Mathur and Mike Smith
The Context of Inter-organizational Collaboration in the Garment Industry: An Institutional Perspective

Mark Scharfman, Barbara Gray and Aimin Yan
Bringing the Context Back In: Settings and the Search for Syndicate Partners in Venture Capital Investment Networks

Olav Sorenson and Toby Stuart
Social Structure and Alliance Formation Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis

Ranjay Gulati
Network Positions and Propensities to Collaborate: An Investigation of Strategic Alliance Formation in a High-Technology Industry

Toby Stuart
Relational Embeddedness and Learning: The Case of Bank Loan Managers and Their Clients

Brian Uzzi, and Ryon Lancaster
Manufacturing Relations: An Empirical Study of the Organization of Production Across Multiple Networks

Alessandro Lomi and Philippa Pattison
Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community

Jason Owen-Smith and Walter Powell
Community Ecology and the Sociology of Organizations

John Freeman and Pino Audia
Partner Nationality and the Structure-performance Relationship in Strategic Alliances

Arvind Parkhe
The Past in Play: Tradition in the Structures of Collaboration

Paul Hibbert and Chris Huxham
Developmental Processes of Cooperative Inter-organizational Relationships

Peter Smith Ring and Andrew Van de Ven
Ambiguity, Complexity and Dynamics in the Membership of Collaboration

Chris Huxham and Siv Vangen
Knowledge, Bargaining Power and the Instability of International Joint Venture

Andrew Inkpen and Paul Beamish
Alliance Management Teams and Entrainment: Sharing Temporal Mental Models

Rhetta Standifer and Allen Bluedorn
Coping with Problems of Understanding in Inter-organizational Relationships: Using Formalization as a Means to Make Sense

Paul Vlaar, Frans van den Bosch, and Henk Volberda
Organizing and Evaluating Interfirm Networks: A Structurationist Perspective on Network Processes and Effectiveness

Jörg Sydow and Arnold Windeler
On the Dialectics of Strategic Alliances

Mark de Rond and Hamid Bouchikhi
The Dynamics of Inter-organizational Relationships

Mark Ebers
Macro-level Processes
Conditions Facilitating Inter-organizational Collaboration

Barbara Gray
Managing Formation Processes in RandD Consortia

Peter Smith Ring, Yves Doz and Paul Olk
Building Cooperation in a Competitive Industry: SEMATECH and the Semiconductor Industry

Larry Browning, Janice Beyer and Judy Shelter
The Co-evolution of Strategic Alliances

Mitchell Koza and Arie Lewin
The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance

Vivien Lowndes and Chris Skelcher
Testing a Life-Cycle Theory of Cooperative Inter-organizational Relationships: Movement Across Stages and Performance

Sandy Jap and Erin Anderson
Collaborative Working and the Issue of Sustainability

Steve Cropper
The Dynamics of Social Capital and their Performance Implications-Lessons from Biotechnology Start-ups

Indre Maurer and Mark Ebers
Clearing a Path Through the Forest: A Meta-Review of Inter-organizational Relationships

Anne Parmigiani and Miguel Rivera-Santos
Networks In Public Administration Scholarship: Understanding Where We Are And Where We Need To Go

Kimberley Isett et al
"New" Arenas of Study
Organizational Justice and IORs
The Role of Fairness in Alliance Formation

Africa Ariño and Peter Smith Ring
Legitimacy and IORs
The Legitimacy of Strategic Alliances: An Institutional Perspective

M. Tina Dacin, Christine Oliver, and Jean-Paul Roy
Discourse and IORs
Discourse and Collaboration: The Role of Conversations and Collective Identity

Cynthia Hardy, Thomas Lawrence and David Grant
Measuring IOR Performance
Measures of strategic alliance performance: An analysis of construct validity

Africa Ariño
Do Networks Really Work? A Framework for Evaluating Public-Sector Organizational Networks

Keith Provan and H. Brinton Milward
Management and Leadership of IORs (6)
Testing the Waters: Using Collective Real Options to Manage the Social Dilemma of Strategic Alliances

Matthew McCarter, Joseph Mahoney and Gregory Northcraft
Managing Joint Ventures

Paul Beamish and Nathaniel Lupton
Managing Alliance Networks: Emerging Practices of Multinational Corporations

Anthony Goerzen
Managing Strategic Alliances: What Do We Know Now, and Where Do We Go From Here?

Prashant Kale and Harbir Singh
Inside Collaborative Networks: Ten Lessons for Public Managers

Robert Agranoff
Leadership in Inter-organizational Networks: A Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research

Gordon M ller-Seitz