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BSA Membership Benefits from Sage

SAGE Publishing, British Sociological Association

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BSA members receive a variety of benefits as part of their membership, including the Sage benefits and discounts outlined on this page.

BSA Journal Subscription

Work, employment and society


Cultural Sociology


Electronic access to both Sociology  and Work, employment and society. Members choose which print copy they would like to receive, with the second available at a discounted rate.

Discounted individual print subscription to Cultural Sociology

Sage Sociology Collection

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Sage Journals and Books Discounts

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European Journal of Social Theory
European Journal of Women's Studies

Feminist Theory
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International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Journal of Classical Sociology

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Journal of Family History
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Sport & Social Issues
Language and Literature
Social Compass
Tourist Studies
Violence Against Women
Youth & Society

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Sage Knowledge and eBooks

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