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New & Takeover Journals


First Sage Issue

Previous Publisher


Production and Operations Management V 33.1 - V 39.12 Wiley 1059-1478
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools V 34.1 - V 34.4 Cambridge University Press 2055-6365
Journal for the Study of Education and Development  V 47.1 - V 47.4 Taylor & Francis


PsyEcology V 14.1 - V 14.3 Taylor & Francis 2171-1976
Studies in Psychology V 45.1 - V 45.3 Taylor & Francis 0210-9395
International Journal of Social Psychology V 39.1 - V 39.3 Taylor & Francis 0213-4748
Culture and Education V 36.1 - V 36.4 Taylor & Francis 1135-6405
Culture and Education and Journal for the Study of Education and Development Bundle V 47.1 - V 47.4, V 36.1 - V 36.4 Taylor & Francis 0210-3702, 1135-6405
International Journal of Social Psychology and Studies in Psychology Bundle V 39.1 - V 39.3, V 45.1 - V 45.3 Taylor & Francis 0210-9395, 0213-4748
Wilderness & Environmental Medicine V 35.1 - V 35.4 Elsevier 1080-6032
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Business Cases V 12.1 - V 12.4 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (iCHRIE)  
Advances in Applied Ceramics V 123.1 - V 123.8 Taylor & Francis 1743-6753
Applied Earth Science V 133.1 - V 133.4 Taylor & Francis 2572-6838
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology V 59.1 - V 59.8 Taylor & Francis 1478-422X
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews V 49.1 - V 49.5 Taylor & Francis 0308-0188
International Materials Reviews  V 69.1 - V 69.8 Taylor & Francis 0950-6608
International Wood Products Journal V 15.1 - V 15.4 Taylor & Francis 2042-6445
Ironmaking & Steelmaking V 51.1 - V 51.10 Taylor & Francis 0301-9233
Materials Science and Technology V 40.1 - V 40.12 Taylor & Francis 0267-0836
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy V 133.1 - V 133.4 Taylor & Francis 2572-6641
Mining Technology V 133.1 - V 133.4 Taylor & Francis 2572-6668
Plastics, Rubber and Composites V 53.1 - V 53.10 Taylor & Francis 1465-8011
Powder Metallurgy V 67.1 - V 67.5 Taylor & Francis 0032-5899
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining V 29.1 - V 29.8 Taylor & Francis 1362-1718
Surface Engineering V 40.1 - V 40.12 Taylor & Francis 0267-0844
Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces  V 18.1 - V 18.12 Taylor & Francis 1751-5831
Behavioral Science & Policy (OA) V 10 Taylor & Francis 2379-4615
NMIMS Management Review (OA) Volume 31 Brookings Press 0971-1023
Environmental Values V 33.1 - V 33.6 White Horse Press 0963-2719
Migration and Development V 12.1 (June 2023) Taylor & Francis 2163-2324
Indian Journal of Rheumatology  (OA) V 19 Medknow (Wolters Kluwer) 0973-3698
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice V 39.1 - V 39.4 Wiley 1540-5826
The Energy Journal V 45.1 - V 45.6 Self-published 0195-6574
Apollo Medicine (OA) 21.1-21.4 Apollo Hospitals Group 0976-0016
Journal of Health and Human Services Administration V 47.1 - V 47.4 Southern Public Administration Education Foundation, Inc. (SPAEF) 1079-3739
Public Administration Quarterly V 48.1 - V 48.4 Southern Public Administration Education Foundation, Inc. (SPAEF) 0734-9149
Public Finance and Management V 23.1 - V 23.4 Southern Public Administration Education Foundation, Inc. (SPAEF) 1523-9721
Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery (OA) V 53 BMC 1916-0216
Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing V 13.1 - V 13.4 Wolters Kluwer 2332-0249


New Launch Journals




Chinese Journal of Transnational Law


Transactions in Energy and Sustainability


Dialogues on Digital Society


Dialogues on Climate Change


Dialogues in Sociology


Journal of Alternative Finance


International Journal of Clinical Metabolism and Diabetes     


Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis (OA)


Journal of Contemporary Business Studies (OA)


Platforms & Society (OA)  


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Archived Journal Changes

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