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Survey Research Methods

Survey Research Methods

Fifth Edition

November 2013 | 184 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Fifth Edition of Floyd J. Fowler Jr.’s bestselling Survey Research Methods presents the very latest methodological knowledge on surveys. Offering a sound basis for evaluating how each aspect of a survey can affect its precision, accuracy, and credibility, the book guides readers through each step of the survey research process. This fully updated edition addresses the growth of the Internet for data collection and the subsequent rapid expansion of online survey usage, the precipitous drop in response rates for telephone surveys, the continued improvement in techniques for pre-survey evaluation of questions, and the growing role of individual cell phones in addition to—and often instead of—household landlines. Throughout the book, the author puts the profound changes taking place in the survey research world today into perspective, helping researchers learn how to best use new and traditional options for collecting data.

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 Perusall—an eBook that makes it easier to prepare for class
Perusall is an award-winning eBook platform featuring social annotation tools that allow students and instructors to collaboratively mark up and discuss their SAGE textbook. Backed by research and supported by technological innovations developed at Harvard University, this process of learning through collaborative annotation keeps your students engaged and makes teaching easier and more effective. Learn more

1. Introduction
2. Types of Error in Surveys
3. Sampling
4. Nonresponse: Implementing a Sample Design
5. Methods of Data Collection
6. Designing Questions to Be Good Measures
7. Evaluating Survey Questions and Instruments
8. Survey Interviewing
9. Preparing Survey Data for Analysis
10. Analyzing Survey Data
11. Ethical Issues in Survey Research
12. Providing Information about Survey Methods
13. Survey Error in Perspective

Full of information on data collection which will be of use to students in the modules where they need to conduct their own small-scale study.

Mrs Samantha Sutton-Tsang
Early Years, Stourbridge College
March 14, 2014

This book is a very useful addition to our list of supplementary texts. It is accessible and helpful for students who are new to research.

Dr Pauline Sangster
Education , University of Edinburgh
November 22, 2013

This is an excellent resource for assisting students and faculty to design high quality survey research projects!

Dr Thomas Frederick
Department of Psychology and Counseling, Hope International University
November 7, 2013

The book arrived too late for me to include it in the course. Will include next time I teach it.

Dr Dwight Vick
Mgmt Marketing Public Adm Div, Governors State University
October 7, 2013

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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