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The Sage Production Process

  • Communication: We are conscious of, and understand, how keen authors are to see their work published. Sage production staff maintain regular communication with journal editors and authors throughout the production process. In addition, email messages are automatically sent out to the corresponding author at key points along the workflow to confirm that their article has been received in production and to inform them of their article’s progress.
  • Planning promotion of your article: If you think your article may be suitable for promotion, please flag this to the journal editor or your production contact at Sage as early as possible in the publishing process. We have a variety of different promotional channels at our disposal to ensure your article reaches the widest possible audience. See Promote Your Article for more information.
  • Proofs: We will send the corresponding author instructions for reviewing and correcting article proofs. Please review the proofs and return any corrections as soon as possible, or by the deadline requested, so as not to delay the publication process. The corresponding author is responsible for sending the production team one set of proof corrections. When the corresponding author sends in their corrections, we will assume this is the definitive version and that if any of the co-authors needed to see the first proof, that the corresponding author would have arranged this and obtained their edits.

Complimentary Copies

The most common policy among Sage journals is to provide authors with a complimentary digital copy of their final article, called an e-print. E-prints are sent out automatically to the corresponding authors of articles published ahead of print and in print issues. A link is provided allowing the author to download the article directly from the Sage website and forward the link onto their co-authors. Please refer to the manuscript submission guidelines for the policy of the journal in which you are interested in publishing your article: View all of our journals here. Authors can also share the PDF in certain other uses as explained in Sage's Archiving and Re-Use policy. If a journal's policy is an exception to the standard policy, the specific terms for that journal will be supplied in the author's Contributor Agreement.

Ordering Print Copies

If an author would like to purchase a print copy of the issue in which their article appears, they will receive a 30% discount off the standard single-issue price. Single issue prices are listed in the "Subscribe" tab of each journal's website.

Please specify the journal name and volume/issue number in your request.

  • Sage Production: At Sage we place an extremely strong emphasis on the highest possible production standards. We attach a great deal of importance to our quality service levels in production and publication. We also seek to uphold excellent author relations throughout the publication process. We value your feedback to ensure we continue to improve our author service levels. On publication all corresponding authors will receive a brief survey on your experience of publishing with Sage.  Do take the time to complete this as we are responsive to your comments, and they are valued highly by our journal editors.
  • Open access continuous publication: Many open access journals operate on a continuous publication model where articles are posted online as soon as they have completed the production process in a fully citable form. At this time articles are free to view and download for all. As there are no issues to fill and no page count constraints, the time to publication is often quick. Check the 'Latest Articles' tab on the journal website for the latest published content. Articles are batched periodically (every month, quarter, or year, according to the journal), and are then available on the 'Archive' tab on the journal website.
  • OnlineFirst publication: Many Sage journals benefit from OnlineFirst, a feature offered through the Sage Journals platform. It allows final revision articles (completed articles in queue for assignment to an upcoming issue) to be published online prior to their inclusion in a final print and online journal issue. This significantly reduces the lead time between submission and publication. For more information, please see our OnlineFirst Fact Sheet.

For general author queries, please visit the Journals Solutions portal which contains answers to common questions.

For production-related questions specific to your article.