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Transparent Peer Review

There are a number of open peer review methods available. At Sage, the open reviewer reports we offer on selected journals all utilize the ScholarOne Transparent Peer Review Program.

So what is transparent peer review?

A transparent peer review model shows the exchanges between peer reviewers and authors. Reviews are published alongside the final article, allowing research to be published in a completely open format. This approach gives readers access to the peer review process, from submission through to publication. By publishing reviewer comments, authors can demonstrate that their manuscript has been through a rigorous peer review process, and reviewers and editors can gain recognition for their work.

Why use transparent peer review?

Due to the transparent nature of the review process, reviewers are incentivized to offer detailed and constructive feedback. Consequently, authors are more likely to receive valuable input that can enhance the quality of their paper and this review process lends authenticity to their research.

Increased transparency can help unveil biases – both conscious and unconscious – as well as identifying unfair reviewer reports, inappropriate tone and language, any conflicts of interest, and unfair advantages.

How does transparent peer review work?

We offer transparent peer review on the following Sage journals:

Articles published online in these journals are accompanied by a link to the full peer review history, including each review stage, any author responses, and any final editor’s decision letters. Each of these elements is assigned its own Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Transparent peer review is implemented according to the needs of each participating journal. Some allow authors and/or reviewers to opt out of the process, and reviewers will always be able to choose whether their reviews are signed or anonymous. If an author, reviewer, or editor, chooses to opt out, the review process for that paper will not be published.

Find out more about transparent peer review at Sage:

Sage’s partnership with Clarivate

Journal Editors interested in finding out more about the ScholarOne Transparent Peer Review Program should contact their Sage Publishing Editor.